Decorative techniques

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 16-01-14 15:03
Fabric needs to be wa___, ble___ and mer___ before dyed or printed
Washed, bleached, mercerised
1 of 25
Yarn is tr___ to improve str___ so it can dye better
Treated, strength
2 of 25
Can be dyed by ha___ or mac___
Hand or machine
3 of 25
For ha__ dyeing, fabrics are put in h__ or co__ water
hand, hot or cold
4 of 25
Dye is put in a ba__ with fabric so the dye reaches all parts of the fa___
Bath, fabric
5 of 25
Once the process is completed, the fabric is quickly rin___
6 of 25
Which removes and exc___ dye
7 of 25
The strength of dye is determined by the am___ of dye put in, how ab___ the fib__ are and what the or___ colour of the fabric was
amount, absorbent, fibres, original
8 of 25
Con___ dyeing and bat___ dyeing are both commerical dyeing methods
Continuous, batch
9 of 25
For continuous dyeing, fabric is pushed through some dye in a b__ and put through a series of ro___ to sp___ the dye evenly
Bath, roller, spread
10 of 25
Blo___ printing is done by using me___ or woo___ blocks
Block, metal, wooden
11 of 25
The bac____ of the blocks are cut away leaving a ris__ shape
Background, risen
12 of 25
Dye is then applied to the block and pr___ onto the fabric which is generally a sl__ process
Pressed, slow
13 of 25
Scr__ printing uses a sten__ which is held down by a screen
Screen, stencil
14 of 25
Each screen prints a different part of the set pa____
15 of 25
Dy_st___ must be secured using he__ or ste__
Dyestuff, heat or steam
16 of 25
Manual fla_-be_ screening is a slow process done by ha__
Flat-bed, hand
17 of 25
Used for more com_____ designs
18 of 25
Indus___ flat-bed screening is used at an increased sp___
Industrial, speed
19 of 25
Fabric is moved on a con___ belt
20 of 25
While a pa___ is printed
21 of 25
Rota__ screen printing involves using CA_
Rotary, CAD
22 of 25
It uses sque___
23 of 25
One rol___ is assigned to each col___
Roller, colour
24 of 25
Very fa__
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Yarn is tr___ to improve str___ so it can dye better


Treated, strength

Card 3


Can be dyed by ha___ or mac___


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


For ha__ dyeing, fabrics are put in h__ or co__ water


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Dye is put in a ba__ with fabric so the dye reaches all parts of the fa___


Preview of the front of card 5
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