Culture and Identity Test

What are feral children?
Children whom are not brought up by humans.
1 of 99
Why is transmission of culture important?
Ensure it's shared. Allows communication and co-operation.
2 of 99
What is folk culture?
Culture made by the people for the people.
3 of 99
Example of folk culture?
Morris dancing
4 of 99
Marxists think... ?
It should be upheld. It encourages people to be active and critical.
5 of 99
What is mass culture?
Cultural products and experiences that appeal to the mass market.
6 of 99
Examples of mass culture?
Reality TV, POP music, etc.
7 of 99
Marxists think... ?
No real lasting value. Reproduces Capitalism.
8 of 99
What is low culture?
Derogatory term for some forms of pop/mass culture.
9 of 99
Examples of low culture?
Popular music, escapist fiction, etc.
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What do Marxists say?
For immediate consumption rather than lasting value.
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What is high culture?
The greatest artistic and literary achievements.
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Examples of high culture?
Music by Mozart, novels by Dickens, etc.
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It carries... ?
High prestige and lasting value.
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What are TNCs?
Trans-National Companies - the consumption of large brands all over the world.
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What do TNCs do?
Engulf local economies.
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What will happen to culture as we know it?
It will be further diversified.
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What did Bordieu suggest middle-class success was a result of?
High cultural capital/cultural advantage.
18 of 99
Bordieu argues that... ?
Process of socialisation children of the wealthy go through means they learn to understand/appreciate high culture as their parents do.
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Why could this be important?
School curriculum tends to be based on cultural forms that are seen as rare/worthy. Children familiar with this culture are more likely to succeed.
20 of 99
Name 4 key changes during youth.
Leave education and enter employment; Become independent of family; Increased status in society; Involved in adult activities (drinking, driving, etc.).
21 of 99
What did Oakley say?
Parents socialise girls and boys differently.
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Define manipulation.
Parents encourage/discourage behaviour based on what they consider to be appropriate for the gender of the child.
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Define canalisation.
Parents direct children's interests to gender appropriate toys and games.
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What did Mac and Ghaill talk about?
A "crisis of masculinity".
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What is a "crisis of masculinity"?
Traditional identities for men were formed around industries involving manual work - these have almost completely disappeared.
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What did Cooley talk about?
The looking glass self.
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What is the looking glass self?
Where we develop a sense of ourself through how we think that others view us.
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What did Goffman think?
That "all the world is a stage."
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What is 'front stage'?
How we present ourselves to everyone.
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What is 'back stage'?
Private, only insiders allowed.
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What did Wilkinson say?
Many girls reject the idea that males and females have separate places in society; men find it easier to be girly.
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What did Margaret Mead study? What did she illustrate?
3 tribes - a wide diversity of gender roles cross-culturally.
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What did she discover about the Tchambuli tribe?
Their gender roles are the reverse of ours.
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What does this potentially prove?
Gender roles are learnt through nurture/socialisation, not nature.
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What did Giddens talk about?
36 of 99
What is this?
Where globalisation challenges traditions.
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What is identity?
The way we see ourselves in relation to other people.
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What are the tree levels of identity?
The inner self; Personal identity; Social identity.
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What is the inner self?
The voice in our heads.
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What is personal identity?
Public and visible identity.
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What is social identity?
Membership, or identification with, certain groups.
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What did George Mead talk about?
The me/I/self.
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What is the 'Me'?
Your definition of yourself in a specific social role.
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What is the 'I'?
Your opinion of yourself as a whole - based on reactions of others to you.
45 of 99
When is the 'Self' developed?
Through the 'play stage' and the 'game stage'.
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What is the 'play stage'? Examples?
When children play roles that aren't their own. E.g. parent, doctor, nurse.
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What does this make them aware of?
The differences between themselves and the role they are playing.
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What is the 'game stage'? Examples?
Children seeing themselves from the perspective of various participants. E.g. football, cricket.
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What does this make them aware of?
Their relationship to other players.
50 of 99
What is the difference between sex and gender? (Gender is...)
Cultural expectations that society places on males and females. Usually exaggerated and stereotypical.
51 of 99
What is the difference between sex and gender? (Sex is...)
Biological differences between males and females.
52 of 99
What is 'biological determinism' in terms of gender?
Gender based on nature.
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What did Goldberg say about this?
Males have 'dominance tendency' - this is why they occupy the top roles in society.
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What is 'social construction' in terms of gender?
Gender based on nurture - socialisation and social environment.
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What does this theory say that society does? An example of this?
Each society creates its own gender expectations. Us in comparison to Tchambuli tribe.
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What did Statham study?
Parents trying to avoid gender stereotyping their children.
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What did he find?
They were generally unsuccessful due to the influence of wider society.
58 of 99
By the age of 5 the children had...
Acquired a clear gender identity. Knew what gender they belonged to and the appropriate behaviour.
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What did Weeks say about sexuality?
It is a product of culture rather than biology.
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What did Taylor say about lesbians?
They have a lower social profile than gay men.
61 of 99
What did Rich say about the eventual emergence of the gay and lesbian subculture? Why?
It is remarkable considering that Western societies tend to be characterised by a fierce 'compulsory heterosexuality'.
62 of 99
Define 'ethnicity'.
Shared culture of a social group - gives its members a common identity.
63 of 99
Define 'minority ethnic group'.
A social group which shares a cultural identity that is different to that of the majority population.
64 of 99
Have societies become more or less ethnically diverse? Potentially due to...
More. Diaspora.
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What is 'diaspora'?
The dispersion of people from their original homeland.
66 of 99
What did Poole say?
9/11 has lead to Islam being demonised and distorted by Western media.
67 of 99
What do New Right thinkers argue lead to black boys joining gangs?
May have lacked male role models in the family.
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Why did Becker say black people turned to crime?
Negative labelling leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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How does media portray black people? Examples?
Negatively. Knife crime, anti-social, criminal.
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What does Fuller argue?
Black people reject and go against negative labelling - disprove them.
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According to Wright, in what way do black people get discriminated at school?
Treated differently, negative labelling, racism, language barriers, seen as less capable.
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What does Lyotard argue? What has society become? Example?
This point of view is outdated - society has become more multicultural. E.g. Obama.
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What did Gilroy say?
There is no single black identity.
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What is 'double consciousness'? Example?
Being aware of roots and nationality. E.g. Black British.
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What did the Rastafarian movement aim to do?
"Set the captive free".
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What did they believe Jesus rose from the dead to do?
Break the chains of racism, injustice and oppression.
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What do they believe the real battle is?
White supremacy and global dominance.
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How did Mason say British people tend to see ethnicity?
They tend to see ethnicity as something other people have.
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How did Anwar say Asian families socialise children?
Into a pattern of obligation, loyalty and religious commitment - they tend to accept it.
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Snd and 3rd generation ethnic minorities tend to...
Adopt the culture of mainstream Britain.
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Define 'globalisation'.
Where parts of national cultures become global/international. E.g. fashion, music, food.
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What does Hall suggest about ethnic identities?
They're becoming harder to identify.
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Globalisation and diaspora are merging cultures and creating 'new ethnicities'.
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What did Buedsey find?
Evidence of the consumption of recreational drugs and designer clothes among young British Asians.
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Define 'Hybridisation'.
People from all ethnic groups combining a range of cultures to create hybrid identities.
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Define 'impairment'.
Physical or mental abnormality.
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Define 'disability'.
An impairment that prevents day-to-day tasks.
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Why did Shakespeare say disability is a social construct?
Our attitudes towards disabilities are what creates them - made by society.
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Example of how the Disability Discrimination Act has helped?
Interventions such as deaf clubs.
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What techniques did Goffman talk about?
Tension and information.
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Examples of tension techniques?
Comedy, extreme sports.
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Examples of information techniques?
Covering up a leg cast with long trousers.
93 of 99
Define 'immediate gratification'.
Enjoying pleasures today rather than later.
94 of 99
Define 'present orientation'.
A focus on here and now.
95 of 99
Define 'fatalism'.
All events are predetermined and therefore inevitable.
96 of 99
Examples of cultural signals of social class?
Lifestyle choices, appearance, personality, social status, material goods.
97 of 99
Examples of economic signals of social class?
Financial situation, occupation.
98 of 99
Define 'social class'.
A status hierarchy in which individuals and groups are classified.
99 of 99

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is transmission of culture important?


Ensure it's shared. Allows communication and co-operation.

Card 3


What is folk culture?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Example of folk culture?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Marxists think... ?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




This is a very good resource which will help student with basic understanding of key concepts surrounding culture and identity. The tool format which can be in the form of a quiz, test and crossword provides very good variety.

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