
  • Created by: amydix1
  • Created on: 31-05-17 14:12
Where do non religious critiques come from?
Atheists which is Greek 'A' = Not 'Theos' = God therefore meaning without God or a lack of belief.
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What are the two types of atheism?
Strong and Weak Strong = strong opinion there is no God and Weak = No belief due to a lack or an absence of God
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What is another type of belief?
Agnostic = An unsure belief for Gods existence
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What are some of the reasons for a lack of belief in God?
The problem of evil, lack of evidence, a self contradicting God and the moral argument.
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What did a movement in the 20th century see?
Doctrines gain the momentum to positively assert the non existence of God.
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Who was Emile Durkheim?
French Sociologist 1858 - 1917 'Elementary forms of religious life.'
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What did Durkheim argue?
Religion serves to unite and preserve the community. It acts as a means of social cohesion within society. There is no separate called God, God is simply a social construct that humanity created.
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What did Durkheim state as an alternative to religion?
Society would be better understanding and living through a moral way.
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Durkheim quote.. "A unified system
of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things... beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a church."
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Who was Karl Marx?
German Sociologist 1818 - 1883 'Das Kapital'
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What did Marx argue?
God is an invention of the human mind. A way of satisfying the human emotion needs. Marx saw religion as dis empowering, authority based and oppressing. The upper class used religion as a way of mass control through the false promises.
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What alternative did Marx propose?
He stated that freedom could only be achieved through loving each other.
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Marx first quote
"Religion is the opium of the people."
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Marx quote.. "The first
requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion."
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Who was Sigmund Freud?
Austrian Psychologist 1856 - 1939 'The Future of an Illusion."
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What did Freud argue?
Freud saw religion as a illusion of the mind. Similar to Durkheim saw religion with origins to primitive tribes. God has no reality and is simply a creation from wishful thinking.
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What is the Oedipus Complex?
The idea that God is a father substitute. The son is jealous of the father and wants sexual rights and control over the mother. Therefore overthrows the father for these rights. This leads to guilt and religion is a way of repressing this guilt.
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To Freud how will humanity never be happy?
Because they depend on the illusion that is religion.
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Freud quote... "For the individual
life is hard to bear just as it is for mankind in general."
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Freud's famous quote?
"Makes his helpless tolerable"
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the two types of atheism?


Strong and Weak Strong = strong opinion there is no God and Weak = No belief due to a lack or an absence of God

Card 3


What is another type of belief?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are some of the reasons for a lack of belief in God?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did a movement in the 20th century see?


Preview of the front of card 5
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