CPLD Theories and Theorists

Physical Development - Arnold Gessell
Development follows a pattern
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Learning Behaviours - Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory; children learn from observing others
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Learning Behaviours - Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning; children learn through association
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Learning Behaviours - B.F.Skinner
Operant Conditioning; children's learning and responses are dependant on reinforcements
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Models of Cognition - Jean Piaget
Stage model of cognitive development; children use experiences to create their own thoughts and logic
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Models of Cognition - Chris Athey
Suggested several schemas that children explore on differnet levels using play in order to learn
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Models of Cognition - Lev Vygotsky
Social constructivism; children learn by being with, and supported by, adults and other children
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Models of Cognition - Jerome Bruner
Scaffolding and spiral curriculum; adults can supports children to learn quite complex concepts
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Models of Cognition - Information Processing Theories (IPT)
Learning is a process of handling and retrieving information
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Language Development - Noam Chomsky
Babies are primed to learn language through LAD (Language Acquisition Device)
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Language Development - B.F.Skinner
Language can be learned through a reinforcement model (now a flawed model)
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Personality and Self-Esteem - Erik Erikson
Life Stage Model; personality is affected by our interactions with others
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Personality and Self-Esteem - Susan Harter
Se;f-esteem is the product of self-concept and our ideal self
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Personality and Self-Esteem - The Big 5
Research looking at personality being defined into five traits
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Pro-Social and Moral Development - Jean Piaget
Stages of moral development are linked to cognitive stages
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Pro-Social and Moral Development - Lawrence Kohlberg
Stages of moral development; young children are amoral
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Pro-Social and Moral Development - Albert Bandura
Children are influenced by what they have seen
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Development in relation to the Environment - Urie Bronfenbrenner
Children's development is influenced by their immediate family, friends, community and society
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Attatchment - John Bowlby
Maternal deprivation can cause long-lasting mental health issues; stages of seperation anxiety
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Attatchment - Harry Harlow
Harlow's Monkeys (1958)
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Card 2


Social Learning Theory; children learn from observing others


Learning Behaviours - Albert Bandura

Card 3


Classical Conditioning; children learn through association


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Card 4


Operant Conditioning; children's learning and responses are dependant on reinforcements


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Stage model of cognitive development; children use experiences to create their own thoughts and logic


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