
  • Created by: 12dellm
  • Created on: 04-01-17 13:35
Parson's two types of roles
Husband has an instrumental role. The wife has an expressive role.
1 of 13
Bott's two types of roles
Segregated conjugal roles and joint conjugal roles
2 of 13
Willmott and Young's march of progress view
They describe family as a symmetrical family in which women now go out to work and men now help out with housework and childcare
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A feminist view
Oakley say that these claims are exaggerated and that the family is not symmetrical
4 of 13
What sociologist calls it emotion work
5 of 13
Who say women do the triple shift
Duncombe and Marsden
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How do Crompton and Lyonette explain gender division
Culturally - patriarchal norms and materially - women earn less
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Money management
Pahl and Volger - allowance system is when the husband gives his wife an allowance to spend in a budget. Pooling is where both partners have access to income and have joint responsibility
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Personal life perspective
Smart found that some gay men and lesbians attach no importance to who controlled the money and were happy to leave it to their partner.
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Misconception of domestic violence
It is far too widespread and does not occur randomly
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Official statistics
Yearnshire found women suffer 35 assualts before making a report
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Explanations for domestic violence
Crompton and Lyonette say for feminist reason patriarchal ideas and materialistically due to economic factors.
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The radical feminist explanation
Millet and Firestone say all societies have been founded on patriarchy and it is the main source of women's oppression.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Bott's two types of roles


Segregated conjugal roles and joint conjugal roles

Card 3


Willmott and Young's march of progress view


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


A feminist view


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What sociologist calls it emotion work


Preview of the front of card 5
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