Computer science revision cards

  • Created by: homer00
  • Created on: 25-05-16 11:51
What is a computer system?
A computer system is able to take a set of inputs, process them and create a set of outputs.
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What are the instructions a computer processes?
A program.
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What does the input data need to be translated into in order for the computer to understand it?
Digital data.
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What is hardware?
Generic term for any part of a computer which can be physically picked up, touched or moved.
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What is software?
Applications&programming instructions that tell the computer what to do and enables the user to play games, write essays or listen to music
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What is an enbedded system?
A computer which is part of a larger piece of equipment.
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What is a super-computer?
Fastest, most expensive computers in the world, they cost hundreds of millions of pounds to buy.
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Who would use a super computer?
Military, governments, security services, weather office, universities,
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What are mainframe computers?
Large powerful computers, carry out lots of tasks at once, for many people.
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Who would use them?
Utility companies, banks, insurance companies, airlines, police.
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What is a personal computer?
Carry out millions of calculations per second.
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What is a netbook?
Smaller, lighter version of a laptop, they use flash memory, unlike laptops,
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What is a laptop?
Small computer.
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What is reliability?
How reliable a computer system is.
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What is AVAIL?
The percentage of time a computer is available to the user before going into 'sleep' ode or needing maintenance.
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What is MTTF?
Stands for Mean Time To Failure, it's the time on average that the computer can run for without it breaking.
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What are the personal effects of a computer failing?
Pictures, music, important pictures could be lost. A backup plan can be necessary.
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What are the effects of a computer filing on a buisness?
All important documents would be lost forever and the buisess would be in trouble.
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What is reduncy?
Critical parts of a computer system are duplicated to prevent theem from getting lost.
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What is data reduncy?
Duplicating data toprevent it from getting lost.
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What is data backup?
Where data is secured else where.
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What are standards?
Rules made by a responcable organisation, which come in catogories.
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What do standards excist for?
Programing languages, operating systems, dada formats, communications protocols, eletricalinterfaces.
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Why do we need standards?
enable equipment from different manufactors to work together, make learning new systems easier, ensure fairplay and access to markets, minimise waste, lower costs.
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what are 'De facto standards'?
De facto standards develop over time as a result of common usage. They are important as they ensure files and systems can be accessed by anyone. Postscripts, QUERTY keyboard&Microsoft word are just a few examples.
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What are 'De jure standards'?
De jure means by law.
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What are proprietary standards?
owed by an organistation
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What are industry standards?
Set up by recognised non-commercial orgnisations.
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What are open standards?
Publically available, produced collaborativley, not dominated by one person/group, not for profit/free of charge or a small fee.
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What are Ethical and legal issues
An ethical act is one that is morrally right. A legal act is one that does not break any laws.
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What is the data protection act?
The data overs any data about any living and identifiable individual.
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What are the principles?
Personal data kept: faily and lawfully, kept for a specific reason, for a required purpose, should be up to date, should be kept with the rights of the subject, should be kept for reason, kept from hackers, can't be transfered to countries out the EU
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the instructions a computer processes?


A program.

Card 3


What does the input data need to be translated into in order for the computer to understand it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is hardware?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is software?


Preview of the front of card 5
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