Coleridge: Key quotes and meanings

  • Created by: J@ck
  • Created on: 12-11-20 12:01

1. Which quote is from Frost at Midnight...?

  • Huge Fragments revolted like rebounding hail
  • Fixed with Mock study on my swimming book, Save if the door half-opened, I catch a hasty glance , and still my heart leaped
  • By Woman wailing for her Demon Lover
  • Suspends what nature gave me at at birth, My shaping of imagination
1 of 20

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2. Which of these is not a form of ancient, self imposed religious punishment's

  • To Catholically confess your sins and receive absoltotion
  • Unhealthily spending so much time praying for forgiveness from God in complete supplication
  • Starving one's self of water so he may better appreciate God's gifts
  • Wandering from land to land without food or money to act penance

3. At the end of Frost at Midnight, what conclusion does Coleridge come to?

  • But thou, my bade! shalt wonder like a by lakes and sandy shores breeze
  • To renounce the industrial life style in favour for a healthier lifestyle
  • Romanticism YAY! Boo Modern life

4. Which quote belongs to Kubla Kahn

  • The honey drew hath fed, drunk off the milk of paradise
  • Upon the strings of the Aeolian lute, which would be far better mute
  • At once the soul of each, the God of all!
  • So sweetly they stirred and haunted me with wild pleasure

5. What popularized romanticism during the 18th century?

  • While the vast majority was fascinated about economic progression, romanticist favored self-enlightenment through connection with nature
  • When Darwinism began to become popular, the publ;ic was much less enthusiastic to dedicate themselves to absolute Christian faith and viewed Romanticism as much more acceptable alternative
  • Romanticism embodied key, Christian philosophies that attracted many church goers such as posing nature as God's perfect creation, self improvement through nature and punishment and believing that any sins against God will be punished.
  • AT this point in time, the country side area was more available than ever, so many people could witness the beauty of nature.




For the question about religious penance, I should note that fasting and starvation appears in the Islam religion, no the Christian religion.

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