Cold War Key Terms

  • Created by: lbroggi
  • Created on: 02-04-19 12:04
The Cold War
A period of political and cultural hostility between capitalist and communist countries(USA and USSR). They did not directly fight, though every other aspect of war was present, fear, military build up, propaganda and seeking of allies.
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A set of ideas, beleifs or theories that set the basis of a political, economic or religous doctrine on which a political party/religion is based.
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Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
March 1918. A treaty signed betweent he new Bolshevik government and Germany(Central Powers) ending Russia participation in WWI. Terms were very harsh on Russia , lost teritory and so also argirculture and industry.
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Policy adopted by Britian towards Germany in 1930's. It involved negociating with Hitler and trying to reach accomodation with his demands where they seemed reasonable. Stalin saw as lack of enthusiasm for stoping Hitlers advances.
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The Purges
The wave of terror that Stalin and his supporters used to remove enemies.
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Tehran Conference
Nov-Dec 1943. Second front agreed, boundries of Poland moved westwards, agreed a national body would be set to settle future disputes(eventually UN)
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Yalta Conference
February 1945. Made decsions about furture Europe, germany when defeated would be reduced in size,demilitarised, pay reparations. UN would be set up. Poland will be under soviet influence but run on democratic basis.
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Postdam Conference
July-August1945. Nazi party banned and leaders tried, Poland borders agreed, Grad allience plus France would divde germany and berlin into four zones. A council of ministers set up to organsise the rebuild of europe.
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The US policy of actively seeking to prevent the spread of communism. Mainly as a result of Kennan's Long Telegram, becoming basis of Trumans Foriegn policy.
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Long Telegram
In 1946 US ambassador Kennan sent a sectret report to Truman from Moscow. Stating the USSR saw capitalism as a threat and wanted it destroyed, they were building military power and peace was not possible.
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Novikov's Telegram
1946 report to Stalin from USSR ambasidor, saying the US wanted world domination and were building military strength and the soviets were the only ones who could stand up to them, also stating the US were preparing for war.
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Building an empire of dependent states
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Iron Curtain
Term used after Churchill's speech in 1946. It was the name given to the figurative line that divided the communist East from the Capitalist West in Europe.
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Iron Fist
Term used by Truman to describe a tougher approach to the USSR. It was in reaction to his predecessor Roosevelt who Truman saw as too soft on Communism.
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Truman Doctrine
Policy statement/speech issued by Truman in 1947. Stating that countires faced a choice and the US would aid any country/gov under attack from communsits. It was this that sent aid to Greece to help gov against communists.
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Marshall Plan
A plan to financially aid a war-torn Europe. Drawn up in 1947, and all countires eiligiable. It provided $13 billion, it was thought communism appealed to those with nothing so trying to stop communism by giving people stake in capitalism.
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Dollar Imperialsim
Term used by Molatov to descibe Marshall aid (which Soviets refused as threat to communist control). It was seen as a mechanism by which the US would gain control over Europe and exploit it.
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Set up in 1947 by Stalin, it organised all the communsit parties in Europe and arranged leadership. Encouraged communist parties in West to block Marshall plan assistance.
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Set up by stalin in 1949 to coordinate economies of communist countries(soviet alternative to Marshall P) Built up trade links, prevented them from signing Marshall Plan.
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Coup d'etat
A violent takeover of government.
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Military alliance set up in 1949 of USA, Cananda and most of Western europe. Based on collective security, if one country was attacked the others would assist.
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Roll back
The policy of rolling back thefrontiers of communism and liberating states where communism has been imposed by force.
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Revisionist historians
Those who challenged the traditional view Stalin was responsible for the development of the CW. Tending to be more critical of US foreign policies habing an important role in esculating conflict.
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Post-Revsionist historians
Those who were critical of post traditional and revisionsit apporaches. They sought to move away from who was to balme and to the one of the process by which conflict developed. Sees the cold war emerging from a series of complex interactions.
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A concept of the nature of dictatorships that had emerged in th 1930's . Focusing on a political system with total control of all areas. Used propoganda and terror as social control.
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Attempt by Khrushchev to move away from policies of stalin. Critised his use of terror and policies. It encouraged Eastern Europe to push for change leading to 1956 demostrations, showing limits to destalinisation as threat to security of soviet bloc
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New Look Policy
The name of Eisenhower's foreign policy that took a hard line on communism based on an incresed role for nulear weapns to further containment.
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Massive retaliation
A phrase made popular by Esienhowers secretary of state Dulles, It implied the use or at least the threat of nuclear action against any sort of move by the Comunist Bloc.
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Often associated to Dulles. The policy of not shying away from threatening a nuclear response, appearing to apporach the brink of nuclear war to persuade opposition to concede. Risky as if enemy did not back down haveto carry threat out/reveal bluff
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Warsaw pact
Set up in 1955 to coodinate military forces of soviet bloc. In response to WG entry to NATO. Were now two opposing alliances who planned for military action using nuclear weapons.
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GDR (German Democratic Republic)
The former soviet zone of Germany, offically established in October 1949.
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FGR (Federal Republic of Germany)
The former western zones of Germany (Britian, US and French), ofically accepted in September 1949.
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Berlin Blockade
Stalin was concerned about the reconstruction on west germany resulting in a Blockade in June 1948. Stalin cut off all road, rail and canal links between WG and West Berlin, with the aim of forcing British and US to leave and uniting the city.
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Berlin Airlift
In response to the Blockade put in palce by stalin. The US resorted to airlifting in supplies, average of 2000 tons of food lifted in each day. Stalin not prepared to go to war over Berlin so called block off in May(12th)
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New currency introduced in West Germany on 20th June 1948. Done without consulting USSR.
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The new currency for East German zones introduced four days after Deutschmark.
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Military-industrial complex
Network of individuals/institutions invloved in production of weapons and military technologies. Typically they try to gain support in the country for continued/increased military spending.
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A relaxation in tensions. Used to describe the imporvement in superpower realtions that existed after the Cuban Missile Crisis until soviet invasion of Afgan (1979) led to a deteriation in relations.
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Nuclear test ban treaty
1963 treaty that banned the testing of nuclear weapons above ground and velow water. Singed by the USA, Britian and USSR to limit nuclear destruction after Cuban missile crisis.
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Sphere of influence/interest
Areas where one power is able to exercise a dominant influence.
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The freeing of a country from foreign control. The liberation of eastern europe by soviets and west by predominantly anglo-americans 1944-5, created the context for the cold war in europe.
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'Declaration on Liberated Europe'
Agreed by Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill at Yalta. It committed the three governments to carry out measures to assist in the liberated states and to encourage democratic governments.
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Puppet government
One that operates at the will of and for the benefit of another government. E.g Soviets imposed puppet gov on Romania just two weeks after Yalta.
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Allied Control Council
Set up at Potsdam conference in 1945, as there was no central german gov, the ACC was established, composed of commanders from each of four powers. Limited power as soviets insisted each comander had complete responsiblity for own zone.
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The Council of Ministers
Composed at postdam (1945), formed of foriegn ministers from Britain, France, US and USSR. Its job was to sort out the German problems and prepare the peace treaties.
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John Foster Dulles
1888-1959 US diplomat and secratary of state (1952-9). Assisted in eisenhowers foreign policy, including brinkmanship
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Explain the main events of the nucelar arms race
1945- USA drops two atomic bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1949- Soviet union tests first atomic bomb. 1952- USA develops hydrogen bomb 1953- Soviet union develops H-bomb
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Hungarian Uprising
Oct 1956 Uprisingin Hungary due to poor harvests and bread shortages lead to demostrations against communist control. After destalinisation many hungarians thought there would be a relaxation of control and some even thought an end to communism.
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Imre Nagy
Appointed Hungarian PM in oct 1956 as more liberal and Khrushchev wanted to calm the situation down. But Nagy wanted reform(leave Warsaw pact, free elections and UN protection) so in Nov 1956 Khrushchev invaded.
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Give stats abut Hungarian Uprising
4th Nov 1956 Khrushchev sent 200,000 troops in to hungary to depose Nagy and restore order. Over 5000 Hungarians killed + 1000 Soviet troops. Nagy arested and executed.
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How did the US react to the Hungarian Uprising?
UN condemned soviet actions and some boycotted 1956 olympics but no stronger actions taken. US supported Hungary's uprising with money medical aid and words, but not troops as didnt want to start war!Sovietbloc thoughtUS wouldnt deffend against USSR
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Fact about refugee probelm in berlin?
Between 1949 and 1961, 2.7 million east germand crossed from east to west Berlin.
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Khrushchevs Berlin Ultimatum
November 1958, Stated all Berlin belonged to East Germany and occupying forces must leave within 6 months. Soviets knew if tried to push west out of berlin it could cause war so resulted in a series of summit meetings.
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Give a list of summit meeting 1959-1961
Geneva summit May 1959- no solution Camp David Sept 1959- no solution Paris Summit May 1960- Disaster, Khrushchev stormed out as US spy plane shot down over USSR Viena Conference Jan 1961- Neither backed down Khrushchev issued ultimatum agaian.
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What were the origins of the Cuban missile crisis/Bay of pigs
Usa refused to recognise Castro's government as did not want a socialist country in their sphere, espically as it had links to USSR. CIA tried to assasinate castro but failed theyy pursuaded Kenedy a US backed invasion may solve problems.
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What and when was the Bay of pigs?
US ivaded cuba (west coast) with intention it would look like cuabn revolt- theyd trained cuban exiles and disguised US planes. Castro knew of invasion so 1400 us troops met 20000 castros troops US surrendered, planes recognised and info published.
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Impact of Bay of Pigs...
Endend chance of friendly USA-Cuba relationship, Castro announced he was communist, cuba and soviet union started building closer ties.
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Alexander Dubcek
January 1968 Dubcek became Czechoslovakian leader, good friend of Brezhnev so supported communism but wanted to make it easier to live under 'socialism with a human face'
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What did Dubcek reforms result in? How did people react?
'Prague Spring' a period of increased political freedom in 1968 and lost of criticisms of communism resulted. Studants/intellectuals/workers welcomed reforms but senior army/police resented losing power.
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How did world react to Prague spring?
Brezhnev and eric Honecker concerned as feared it would lead tp demands for reform elsewhere. Brezhnev had dilema Dubcek was a friend and military action would damage reputation but if he did nothing expectations would rise. So invaded Agust 1968
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When did Brezhnev invade Czechoslovakia? and what was established?
Brezhnev invaded August 1968 as couldnt see break up of bloc and warsaw pact so he sent tanks to prague and Dubcek arrested. Czechoslovakia returned to being under strict soviet control.
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Consequences of Brezhnev doctrine.
Soviet union declared right to invade any Eastern bloc country that was threatening the security as bloc as a whole. USA condemned invasion but did nothing. West communist parties horrified and declared independent from soviet communsits.
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Why was the soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia important?
As Brezhnev doctrine meant Soviet union reserved right to invade any country that threatened the security of the eastern bloc, so other stated liek poland and hungary had to rigedly stick to soviet style communism.
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Card 2


A set of ideas, beleifs or theories that set the basis of a political, economic or religous doctrine on which a political party/religion is based.



Card 3


March 1918. A treaty signed betweent he new Bolshevik government and Germany(Central Powers) ending Russia participation in WWI. Terms were very harsh on Russia , lost teritory and so also argirculture and industry.


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Card 4


Policy adopted by Britian towards Germany in 1930's. It involved negociating with Hitler and trying to reach accomodation with his demands where they seemed reasonable. Stalin saw as lack of enthusiasm for stoping Hitlers advances.


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Card 5


The wave of terror that Stalin and his supporters used to remove enemies.


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