Coastal development and conflict


1. What does the Harris and Ullman model assume?

  • That similar industries with common land use + financial requirements develop near eachother
  • That different industries with different land use + financial requirements develop near eachother
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2. Why does tourism cause conflict at the coast?

  • Both
  • Traffic congestion, parking and noise.
  • Destroying ecosystems, coastal erosion and construction

3. What are the three popular urban land use models?

  • Burgess, Hoyt, + Harris and Ullman
  • Burgess, Boyt + Harris and Ullman
  • Burgess, Hoyt + Travis and Ullman

4. What does the Burgess model show?

  • A settlement growing out in concentric zones from the centre
  • A settlement growing inwards in concentric zones from the outside
  • A settlement growing out in concentric zones from the corner

5. What does the Harris and Ullman model show?

  • Multiple nuclei of different land uses
  • Multiples concentric circles of different land uses




Tourism can destroy ecosystems and cause coastal erosion. Such as the degradation of Kenyan Reefs. The Great Barrier Reef is protected and restricted for the purpose of minimising tourism, because of this reason. However, tourism can be managed sustainably to reduce ecosystem degradation and to educate about the environment. Coastal erosion includes erosion of footpaths.

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