CNS & PNS Histology & Physiology - BM5 NLM1


1. What makes up the PNS?

  • Sensory, motor & enteric nervous systems
  • Brain & spinal cord
  • Somatic, autonomic & enteric nervous systems
  • Parasympathetic, sympathetic & enteric nervous systems
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Other questions in this quiz

2. At resting membrane potential, which of the following is most likely to be true?

  • There is a [K+] gradient from inside the neuron towards the outside, causing the inside of the cell to become comparatively negatively charged
  • There is a [Na+] gradient from inside the neuron towards the outside, causing the inside of the cell to become comparatively positively charged
  • There is a [Na+] gradient from inside the neuron towards the outside, causing the inside of the cell to become comparatively negatively charged
  • There is a [K+] gradient from inside the neuron towards the outside, causing the inside of the cell to become comparatively positively charged

3. The signal processing centre is found in which of the following?

  • Axon
  • Soma
  • Dendrites
  • Microglia

4. Complete the sentence: myelination of a neuron in the peripheral nervous system...

  • Decreases the metabolic demand because the Na+/K+ ATPases are localised to the nodes of Ranvier
  • Increases the metabolic demand because the Na+/K+ ATPases are localised to the nodes of Ranvier
  • Reduce the risk of inflammation within the axon
  • Increases the risk of inflammation within the axon

5. What is saltatory conduction?

  • The movement of an action potential along a salted piece of neuron
  • The 'jumping' of an action potential between adjacent nodes of Ranvier
  • The movement of an action potential along the corda equina
  • The movement of an action potential along an unmyelinated neuron


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