Classification of motor skills

  • Created by: claud
  • Created on: 25-05-14 12:13

1. Characteristics of a gross skill are

  • large muscle movements, little precision
  • small muscle groups, intricate and accurate movements, require hand eye coordination
  • high perceptual load, many decisions made, lots of time, speed, power and accuracy needed
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2. Skills with high organisation have to be practised as a whole because it is hard to separate them into sub routines

  • True
  • False

3. An example of a complex skill is a tennis serve, because lots of speed, power and accuracy are needed.

  • true - there is also a high perceptual load
  • false - tennis serves are simple skills

4. The difference between a serial skill and a continuous skill is that

  • a serial skill could be running whereas a continuous skill could be catching a ball in cricket
  • serial skills have discrete elements which are put together to make a sequence whereas a continuous skill has no beginning or end and must be repeated to be meaningful
  • a serial skill has a clear beginning and end whereas a continuous skill has no clear beginning or end

5. Characteristics of a fine skill are

  • small muscle groups, intricate and accurate movements, require hand eye coordination
  • large muscle movements, little precision
  • sub routines easily separated


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