Classification Model Answers

  • Created by: elx
  • Created on: 07-06-17 15:31
What is mean by classification?
Organisms are classified into large groups which are then subdivided into increasingly smaller groups, based on similarities and differences
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What are the kingdom classifications?
Kingdom, Phylum, Clas, Order, Family, Genus, Species
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What is meant by phylogeny?
Evolutionary relationships between organisms, study of closeness of evolutionary relatioships, basis of scientific classification, the closer the evolutionary or genetic relatipnship the closer the taxonomic grouping
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What are the features of the animal kingdom?
Have eukaryotic cells, cells have no cell walls, heterotrophic, multicellular, fertilised eggs develop inot blastula (ball of cells), high degree of mobility
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What are features of the plant kingdom?
Have eukaryotic cells, cellulose cell walls, multicellular, chloroplast, plastids, photosyntheic pigment, photoautotropic, perform photosynthesis
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What are features of the fungi kingdom?
Have eukaryotic cells, chitin cell wall, external digestion, heterotrophic, no plastids or chloroplast, produce spores, body made of hyphae, multi-nucleate
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What are features of the protoctista kingdom?
Have eukaryotic cells, single celled
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What are features of the prokaryote kingdom?
No true nucleus, no membrane bound organelles, circular DNA
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What molecular evidence can be used to determine two organisms are the same species?
DNA, RNA, amino acid sequences, Cytochrome C
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How is it possible to confirm over a lond period of time that two organisms are the same species?
Interbreed, determine if offspring are fertile by interbreeding offspring, if offspring are infertile then different species
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Why are results of DNA analysis of organisms useful to taxonomists?
Information is used to decide which group fits in, can compare the proportion of different bases, DNA, genes, sequence of bases, more similar the DNA the closer the relationship
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What types of evidence are used by taxonomists to classify organisms?
Fossil record,anatomy, physiology, behaviour, biochemistry, DNA base and amino acid sequences, embryology
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What are the differences between kingdoms and domain systems? (PART 1)
3 domains but 5 kingdoms, domains are bacteria/eubacteria/archaea, kingdoms are prokaryotes/protoctists/fungi/plants/animals, eukaryotes in different kingdoms but same domain, domain reflects similarities between eukaryotic kingdoms
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What are the differences between kingdoms and domain systems? (PART 2)
All prokaryotes in the same kingdom but different domains, domain classification based on rRNA, ribosomes RNA polymerase, enzymes, kingdom classification based upon morphology, bahaviour, embryology, domain system reflects origins more accurately
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What is a dichotomous key?
Each question has two options
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the kingdom classifications?


Kingdom, Phylum, Clas, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Card 3


What is meant by phylogeny?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the features of the animal kingdom?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are features of the plant kingdom?


Preview of the front of card 5
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