

1. How are organisms classified?

  • classified by their age
  • organisms classified by 3 domains then the system ends with organisms being classified as individual species
  • by their name
  • classified by their offspring which are infertile
1 of 6

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2. what is the system discussing the same organism called?

  • binomial nomenclature
  • level of hierarchy
  • binomial expansion
  • group naming

3. what are the recent changes to classification systems?

  • classification is based on how they reproduce
  • classification is based on the study of genetics
  • classification is based on observed features
  • classification is based on what they consume

4. what are the 5 kingdoms?

  • prokaryotae, protictista, fungi, flowers, animals
  • prokaryotae,protoctista, fungi, plantae,animalia
  • prokaryotae, protictista, mould, plants, animals
  • prokaryotae,protoctista, fungi, plantae, humans

5. what species are humans from?

  • homo sapiens
  • canis sapiens
  • mammals
  • sapiens


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