Cicero de Imperio- Chapter 34

  • Created by: Lydia22
  • Created on: 04-04-15 22:04
atque haec qua celeritate gesta sint quamquam videtis, tamen a me in dicendo praetereunda non sunt.
and although you see with what speed these things were done, still they should not to be passed over by me in speaking of them.
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quis enim umquam aut obeundi negotii aut consequendi quaestus studio tam brevi tempore tot loca adire, tantos cursus conficere potuit, quam celeriter Cn. Pompeio duce tanti belli impetus navigavit?
for who ever, either in enthusiasm for engaging in business or pursuing profit, in so short a time was able to go to so many places, to complete such long journeys, as quickly as, with Gnaeus Pompey, as leader, the impetus of such a great war sailed
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qui nondum tempestivo ad navigandum mari Siciliam adiit,
he, in not yet seasonable weather for sailing, went to Sicily,
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Africam exploravit,
explored Africa,
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in Sardiniam cum classe venit, atque haec tria frumentaria subsidia rei publicae firmissimis praesidiis classibusque munivit.
came with a fleet to Sardinia and fortified these three resources of the grain supply for the republic with the strongest garrisons and fleets.
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Card 2


for who ever, either in enthusiasm for engaging in business or pursuing profit, in so short a time was able to go to so many places, to complete such long journeys, as quickly as, with Gnaeus Pompey, as leader, the impetus of such a great war sailed


quis enim umquam aut obeundi negotii aut consequendi quaestus studio tam brevi tempore tot loca adire, tantos cursus conficere potuit, quam celeriter Cn. Pompeio duce tanti belli impetus navigavit?

Card 3




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Card 4


he, in not yet seasonable weather for sailing, went to Sicily,


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Card 5


explored Africa,


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