Other questions in this quiz

2. In Christianity, it is believed that animals have a soul.

  • False
  • True

3. What is the word used to describe the role which humans have towards the environment.

  • Protectors
  • Stewards
  • Waiters
  • Preservers

4. What is the term used to describe humans having authority/more importance over animals?

  • Playing God
  • Dominion
  • Leadership
  • Presidency
  • Stewardship

5. What might a Christian say to explain why they show respect for the world?

  • It is a sin to not repsect the world
  • The world is a loan from God therefore we should respect it.
  • It is too beautiful to ruin




well planned  quiz , it was helpful but im a bit confused about question 5 , i know its the last one but god did not loan it to humans so you may need to re-word that one

Samantha Sonuga


This was a good way of testing what I knew, thank you

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