christian practices

  • Created by: sophie_kk
  • Created on: 21-12-19 14:48
acts of religious praise, honour or devotion
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liturgical worship
a church service that follows a set structure or ritual eg eucharist for catholic, orthodox and anglican churches
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non-liturgical worship
a service that does not follow a set text or ritual eg in baptist church those planning the service may choose an order to suit a theme
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informal worship
a type of non-liturgical worship, sometimes 'spontaneous' or 'charismatic' in nature eg pentecostal church - dancing, clapping calling out + speaking gin tongues
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private worship
when a believer praises or honours God on his or her own - may involve prayer or meditation, studying or meditating a bible passage or using aids such as a rosary
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communicating with God either silently or through words or praise
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set prayers
prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person eg the Lord's Prayer
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informal prayer
prayer that is made up by an individual using his or her own words
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an English Protestant who does not conform to the doctrines or practises of the established Church of England
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significance of private worship and prayer
allows Christians to build a discipline that gives them strength to cope in times of trouble. through prayer and meditation, Christians can find peace and a sense of communion with God in their everyday lives + time for reflection
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the importance of the Lord's Prayer for the individual
gives Christians a pattern for how to pray as it combines giving praise to God and asking for one's needs
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the importance of the Lord's Prayer for the community
reminds Christians that God if the father of the whole community, not just the individual
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the importance of the Lord's Prayer for the society
bring a sense of unity and spiritual purpose in society at important times eg during commemoration services after a tragic event
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rites and rituals through which a believer receives a special gift of grace - for Catholics, Anglicans + many Protestants seen as 'outward signs' of 'inward grace;
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seven sacraments
baptism, confirmation, holy communion, marriage, holy orders, reconciliation and the anointing of the sick
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how do sacraments help Christians
help to strengthen the relationship between them and God, by making him a part of their life. also affirm that Christians are part of the body of Christ, the Church, with all its responsibilities
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the ritual through which people become members of the church - also symbolises the use of water as the washing away of sin
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quote on baptism
'therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them' Matthew
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infant baptism
catholics,orthodox+the ritual through which young children and babies become baptised , and their promises taken on behalf boy adults - the infant is freed from sin and introduced to the Saving love of God and the support for the Christian community
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believers baptism
baptist, pentecostalists+ the ritual through which people who are of age to understand the ceremony are immersed in water to be initiated into the church, and who are willing to live a christian life.
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holy communion
a service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine ; also called eucharist, mass, the Lord's supper, the breaking of bread , and the divine liturgy
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from a greek word meaning 'thanksgiving'
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what do Catholics and orthodox christians believe about the bread and wine?
they believe that the bread and wine are literally Jesus' flesh and blood, and by consuming it they become present at the death and resurrection of Christ which saves them (transubstantiation)
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what do Protestant christians believe about the bread and wine?
bread and wine remain symbols of Jesus' sacrifice and help them to reflect on the meaning of Jesus' death and resurrection for their lives today
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impact of holy communion on individuals
through it they believe that they receive God's grace by joining in the great sacrifice of Jesus
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impact of holy communion for communities
brings them closer together + strengths their commitment to their faith + if someone is going through a difficult time, celebrating holy communion with others can give them love and support
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impact of holy communion for society
reminds christians that while they break bread, there are many across the world who are starving. holy communion encourages then to work for equality and justice for all - many churches collect money eg to support developing countries + the homeless
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the ministry of the word
focuses on God's word in the bible
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the ministry of holy communion
offering, consecrating and sharing the bread and wine
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Divine Liturgy In the Orthodox Church
recreates heaven on earth. most of the service takes place in a sanctuary behind a screen calledan iconostasis (represents the divide between heaven and earth), where the priest enters via the royal doors. there are also candles and incense to help
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people feel God's presence
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liturgy of the word (orthodox church)
1. hymns, prayer and a reading from the bible 2. priest comes through the royal doors to chant the gospel 3. there may be a sermon
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liturgy of the faithful (orthodox church)
1. priest comes through the royal doors to receive the wine and bread, and selects one loaf to be consecrated 2. the creed, lords prayer and other prayers are offered for the church, the world, and the local community 3. behind closed royal doors
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priest says the words Jesus said at the last supper 4. bread is divided into four with three as the body and blood, the fourth is broken into small parts 5. priest comes through royal doors to distribute the bread and wine on a spoon 6. prayers of
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thanksgiving are said after communion 7. as people leave, the priest gives them pieces of the unconsecrated bread to take home as being part of the christian community
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catholic mass
begins with a greeting from the priest, and prayers of penance and praise
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liturgy of the word (catholic)
1. on Sundays there are three readings from the bible, a psalm and a homily 2. prayers for the church, the world, the local community and the sick + dead are said
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liturgy of the eucharist (catholic)
1. offerings of bread and wine 2. priest says the eucharistic prayer 3. prays over the wine using similar words 4. people say the lords prayer 5. priest and congregation give a sign of peace to each other 6. members of the congregation come forward
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to receive communion 7. priest blesses the people
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holy communion in the Anglican church
almost identical to the catholic church - but the sign of peace is shared before the offerings of bread and wine are brought to the altar
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holy communion in nonconformist churches
1. begins with a hymn and a prayer of praise + thanksgiving 2. bible reading and sermons 3. congregation prays for the world and needs of people 4. minister reminds them of Jesus' words and actions at the last supper 5. there is an open table to
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anyone who wishes to take communion 6. wine is usually non-alcoholic and distributed in small cups 7. prayer of thanksgiving, blessing and an encouragement to go out and serve god
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a journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons - act of worship and devotion
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why do christians go on pilgrimage?
1. feel closer to God 2. express sorrow for sin and be forgiven 3. seek cure for an illness 4. meet others who share their faith
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examples of pilgrimage
Lourdes - Mary appeared to Bernadette, and told her to dig a well that soon became full of water with healing properties. Iona - small monastic community, remote and close to nature. people come here to meditate, read the bible & help the community
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a day of religious celebration for religious reasons
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day commemorating the day of incarnation, and lasts 12 days, ending with the epiphany (when christians remember the visit of the wise men)
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main seasons of the Christmas calendar
1. advent, christianity + epiphany 2. lent, easter + pentecost (coming of the Holy Spirit)
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purpose of Christmas
lights - represent Jesus as the light coming into the world of darkness 2. christians send Christmas cards and exchange gifts as a sign of 'peace and goodwill' when Christians give to charity as God gave the gift of Jesus, the Son
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purpose of Easter
celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. during the week leading up to easter (Holy Week), Christians remember the events that led to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
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what occurs on Easter Sunday?
churches are filled with flowers and special hymns are sung celebrating the resurrection
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what additional things to orthodox christians do?
they walk around the church at midnight on a Saturday and then enter the darkened church with lamps to symbolise entering the empty tomb
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what additional things to catholics and anglicans do?
have a Saturday night vigil that begins in darkness, and includes the lighting of a large paschal candle to symbolise the risen Christ, and ends with Holy communion
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1. holy people of God, also Called the body of Christ 2. A building that Christians worship in
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what does the church do as a building?
provides a location where Christians from the local community can meet, worship, pray, obtain spiritual guidance and socialise
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what does the role of the church do?
helped in projects that benefit the local community - such as food bank ; works with the Christian teachings ro act with compassion to those in need
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quote on compassion
'for I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat' Matthew
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examples of christian charities :
trussell trust - provide emergency food, help and support to people in crisis in the UK , The Oasis Project - community hub with an Internet cafe, create courses, a job club, training opportunities and a base for meetings.
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why are christians involved in the local community?
showing agape(unconditional) love is part of the christian way of life , and is shown In the teaching of Jesus eg in the parable fo Sheep and the Goats (Matthew)
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street pastors
do not have the power to enforce law, but aim to provide a reassuring presence in local communities. initial aim was to reduce knee and gun use in some areas of London ; but has widened eg responding to drunkenness
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Parish nursing
charity that supports whole person healthcare through the local church ; eg diagnosing early signs of health problems, training and to provide support in times of crisis
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quote on charities
'faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, Is dead' (James)
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vocation of calling of a religious organisation or individual to go out into the world and spread their faith
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the great commission
Jesus' instructions to his followers that they should spread his teachings to all the nations of the world
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a person sent on a religious mission, especially to promote Christianity in other countries through preaching or charitable work
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spreading the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness
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example of evangelism
the alpha course - aim was to help church members understand the basics of christianity, but soon began to be used as an introduction for those interested in learning about Christianity.
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christ for all nations
Bonke believed God called him to Be an evangelist in Africa, and worked to organise large rallies and open-air meetings to preach Christianity
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the training of new converts in the way of following Jesus - can be done by sharing testimonies, inviting people to Christian meetings and media
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a sacrament in the Catholic Church, also restoring of harmony after relationships have broken down
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hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race, or political or religious beliefs
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ways the christian church has shown reconciliation
during the SWW, the coventry Cathedral was bombed. local Christians were determined not to get revenge, but to show forgiveness to those who were responsible - and the cathedral has since become a place that aims to bring about peace and harmony
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corrymeela community - seeks to promote harmony and reconciliation. those who attend are given the opportunity to talk and listen to each other and explore ways of moving from violence and distrust, to woking together constructively
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how do christians respond to persecution?
those who suffer for their beliefs share in a unique way with Jesus 'to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings' (Philippians)
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pastor Baber George
muslim who converted to Christianity, and received death threats from radical muslims and police forces who refused to help him. him and his his family relied on Christian organisations and charities for help to pay for rent and food before recieving
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asylum in the USA
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why does the Church help persecuted Christians?
'if one part suffers, every part suffers with it'(Corinthians)
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the Barnabas fund
sends financial support to projects that help Christians who are suffering from discrimination, oppression and persecution because of their faith
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Christina solidarity worldwide
human rights organisation that campaigns for religious freedom for all . 1. documenting and raising awareness of religious persecution 2. attempting to influence government whose policies or actions affect the oppressed. 3. offer training in the
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basics of international human right's law 4. helping the oppressed to speak up fro themselves more efficiently
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churches response to poverty
follow the teaching and example of Jesus in working to relief poverty - parable of the good Samaritan teaches the importance of caring for all people
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catholic agency for overseas development
CAFOD - helps poor communities to access clean water education and healthcare
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Christian aid
aim to encourage sustainable development, stop poverty and provide emergency relief in less developed countries
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follow the example set by Jesus to respond to disaster sad helping vulnerable communities to transform to of poverty - as well as travelling to places of great need
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


liturgical worship


a church service that follows a set structure or ritual eg eucharist for catholic, orthodox and anglican churches

Card 3


non-liturgical worship


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


informal worship


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


private worship


Preview of the front of card 5
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