Child development

Babies are usually born head first but occasionally they are born either feet or bottom first. This is called the breech position.
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Forceps maybe needed if baby is in an awkward position or if the mother is becoming exhausted and the contractions are not strong enough to push out baby. The baby maybe need to be eased out of the birth canal with forceps. These are metal instrument
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A special cap is connected to a suction pump. The cap is the placed against the head of the baby and vacuum is created. The doctor or midwife pulls on it until baby is out.
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This involves an operation,an incision is made through the abdominal wall of the uterus so the baby can be removed. A caesarian can be carried out under general anaesthetic or an epidural so that mother may remain conscious and th
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Sometimes labour needs to be started artificially which is called induction. Babies are induced because the baby is overdue by 14 days or because baby's or mothers health is at risk. It is possible to induce labour by breaking the waters or setting u
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Card 2


Forceps maybe needed if baby is in an awkward position or if the mother is becoming exhausted and the contractions are not strong enough to push out baby. The baby maybe need to be eased out of the birth canal with forceps. These are metal instrument



Card 3


A special cap is connected to a suction pump. The cap is the placed against the head of the baby and vacuum is created. The doctor or midwife pulls on it until baby is out.


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Card 4


This involves an operation,an incision is made through the abdominal wall of the uterus so the baby can be removed. A caesarian can be carried out under general anaesthetic or an epidural so that mother may remain conscious and th


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Card 5


Sometimes labour needs to be started artificially which is called induction. Babies are induced because the baby is overdue by 14 days or because baby's or mothers health is at risk. It is possible to induce labour by breaking the waters or setting u


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