Chemitsry- Topic 1

Generally for the SALTER'S AS chemistry course, but may suit others too :)

Topic 1: Elements of Life

  • Created by: VicC
  • Created on: 31-05-09 09:40

1. metal + water is what?

  • metal hydroxide + hydrogen
  • metal oxide + water
  • salt + carbon-dioxide
  • metal + hydrogen + water
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. Can a COVALENT NETWORK conduct electricity?

  • Only when in melted
  • Only when dissolved
  • No
  • Yes

3. What is this number know as? 6.02 x 10^23

  • Mass of Carbon
  • Molar Mass of Carbon
  • Avagadro Constant
  • Plank

4. Isoptopes are: 'atoms with the same number of neutrons and a different number of protons.' True or False?

  • False
  • True

5. What is the charge on an alpha- radiation particle?

  • -1
  • -2
  • +2
  • +4




It's really useful even if I'm going to do my chemistry As next year. Thanks for sharing:D

Lauren Lovick


thanks for putting lots of questions in

Katie Wedd


really helpful thanks



Wow! I'm surprised I got 80% not quite confident on some of my answers but I think the multiple choice helped!

Anyway thanks! I'm off to revise this chapter!



Past question 10, I don't even remember being taught it, but it's same as an exam - just apply what you know already

Still only 60% though, but it's an improvement on my usual, lol. Us all the way so far on mocks... i better get it right next week!!



Can someone explain to me question 12? i was sure the answer was actually 2, 8, 8, 11 - but thats not eve an option :S



At GCSE the sylabus taught you that the electronic configuration went 2,8,8,2.

At A level, they teach it as 2,8,18,32 and as you need to fill each shell before moving onto the next on, the configuration of copper would be 2,8,18,1 as it has 29 electrons (2+8+18+1=29).

Hopes this helps i think i'm right...

Sane Insanity


The above explanation is full of lies. It's a shame that people are STILL lied to in SALTER's



Really good- tests a lot of chemical knowledge in just a few questions! :)

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