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6. Name one result of pollution which causes direct harm to humans, and one which causes indirect harm.

  • Argon (hearing loss) and Nitrates (global warming).
  • Carbon monoxide (death if inhailed) and sulfer dioxide (acid rain).
  • Oxygen (breathing problems) and Carbon (acid rain).
  • Carbon monoxide (blood loss) and sulfer dioxide (global warming).

7. What effects does acid rain have on the environment?

  • It only effects human beings.
  • Lakes become acidic and kill plants and animals, it kills trees and damages buildings and statues made from certain types of stone (e.g limestone)
  • It doesn't effect the environment the acid is so weak it doesn't damage anything.
  • It only really kills trees because the acid is very weak.

8. What are particles of carbon otherwise known as and what kind of pollution do they cause?

  • Carbon particles and they cause acid rain.
  • Particulate carbon and they cause soot.
  • Carbon particles and they cause soot.
  • Particulate carbon and they cause acid rain.

9. What is a hydrocarbon?

  • A compound of hydrogen and carbon.
  • A compound of hydroxide and oxygen.
  • A compound of Hydrogen and carbonoxide.
  • An unknown compound.

10. For a long time, the earths early atmosphere was mostly carbon dioxide. Where did this carbon dioxide come from?

  • Meteors entering the earths atmosphere.
  • Dinosaur excriment.
  • The volcanoes.
  • Decomposing plant life.

11. What do catalytic converters do?

  • They turn harmful gases into harmless gases by either adding or reducing the oxygen.
  • They speed up reaction by making it easier for the atoms to collide.
  • They are fitted onto cars to see how much pollutants they are giving out.
  • They trap the harmful gases and over time break them down until they are completely obliterated.

12. Give the formulas of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.

  • Nitrogen monoxide= PO, nitrogen dioxide= NO
  • Nitrogen monoxide= NO, nitrogen dioxide= NO^2.
  • Nitrogen monoxide= NOO, nitrogen dioxide = NONONON
  • Nitrogen monoxide= NO^2, nitrogen dioxide= NO

13. Atoms can disappear completely in some chemical reaction - true or false?

  • Possibly.
  • True.
  • False.
  • Unknown.

14. Name the main element that makes up coal.

  • Sulfur.
  • Carbon.
  • Nitrogen.
  • Carbon dioxide.

15. When hydrocarbons burn in plenty of oxygen, the atoms involved rearrange themselves into carbon dioxide and what else?

  • Carbon.
  • Hydrolic action.
  • Hydrogen oxide.
  • Hydrogen.

16. What effects do nitrogen oxides have on the environment?

  • It unknown by scientists.
  • It turns to acid rain and damages statues/buildings, kills fish, kills trees etc.
  • It doesn't, nothing happens to them.
  • It reacts with nitrates in the soil and causes sea levels to rise and adds to global warming.

17. Name two things that everyone could do in order to reduce carbon dioxide pollution.

  • Use less electricity.
  • Reuse more.
  • Use less energy.
  • Recycle more.

18. How do MOT tests help combat air pollution?

  • They can show you what types of things can be attached to your car to reduce the pollution.
  • They can clear out any problems that will cause more pollutants to be created in the engine of the car.
  • Cars emissions can be checked and people may be fined for producing to many pollutants.
  • They can show why your car produces so much pollution.

19. Describe how nitrogen dioxide is produced when fossil fuels are burnt.

  • Fuels in a car engine burn and create nitrogen monoxide, then once the carbon monoxide is in the air it will react with oxygen to give nitrogen dioxide.
  • Fossil fuels burn and create excess nitrogen so it's put in a combiner and turned into nitrogen dioxide for experiments.
  • Fuels in a car engine burn and create nitrogen monoxide, then once the nitrogen monoxide reacts with more nitrogen in the atmosphere is turns into nitrogen dioxide.
  • Fossil fuels are burnt and creates nitrogen. The nitrogen reacts with oxygen in the air and creates nitrogen dioxide.

20. When a hydrocarbon fuel burns, with what substance in the air do the hydrogen and carbon atom combine?

  • Nitrogen.
  • Sulfur.
  • Oxygen.
  • Argon.