Chemistry Words

  • Created by: elena9078
  • Created on: 22-05-17 15:20
Solution with pH of less than 7
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Acid rain
Rain water which is made more acidic by pollutant gases
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Algal Bloom
A thick mat of algae near the surface of water which stops sunlight getting through
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Alkali metals
Very reactive metals in group 1 of the periodic table, e.g; sodium
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Substances which produce OH- ions in waters
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A family of hydrocarbons found in crude oil with single covalent bonds; e.g; methane
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A family of hydrocarbons with one double covalent bond between carbon atoms
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Different forms of the same element
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Mixture of two or more metals - used to make coins, for example
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An alloy which contains mercury
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Electrode with a postive charge
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the basic 'building block' of an element which cannot be chemically broken down
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Atom economy
A way of measuring the amount of atoms that are wasted or lost when a chemical is made
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Atomic number
The number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom
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Move towards, for example, unlike charges attract
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Single celled microrganisms which can either be free living organisms or parasites ( they sometimes invade the body and cause disease)
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Balance symbolic equation
A symbolic representation showing the kind and amount of the starting materials and products of a reaction
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Barium chloride
Testing chemical fro sulfates in water
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A rock forms when iron rich magama cools
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Batch process
A process used to make small fixed amounts of substances, like medicines, with a clear start and finish
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Fuels amde from plants - these can be burned in power stations
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Biological catalysts
Molecules in the body that speed up chemical reactions
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Thick tar like substance that does not boil in a fractionating column
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Boiling point
Temperature at which the bulk of a liquid changes into a gas
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An alloy which contains copper and zinc
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An orange, corrosive halogen, used to test alkenes
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A very stable sphere of 60 carbon atoms joined by covalent bonds. An allotrope of carbon
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A very important element, carbon is present in all living things and forms, a huge range of compounds with other elements
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Carbon cycle
A natural cycle through which carbon moves by respiration, photosynthesis and combustion in the form of carbon dioxide
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Carbon dioxide
Gas present in the atmosphere at a low percentage but imporant in respiration, photosynthesis and combustion; greenhouse gas which is emitted into the atmosphere as a by-product of combustion
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Carbon monoxide
Poisonous gas made when fuels burn in a shortage of oxygen
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Carbon -14
Radioactive isotope of carbon
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Plant pigment involved in photosynthesis
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A chemical that speeds up a reaction but is not changed or used up by reaction
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Cataytic converters
Boxes fitted to vehicle exhausts which reduce the level of nitrogen oxides and unburnt hydrocarbons in the exhaust fumes
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Electrode in a battery with a negative charge
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The substance made when limestone and clay are heated together
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A property of matter charge exists in two forms, positive and negative, which attract each other
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Chemical properties
The characteristic reactions of substances
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Addition of chlorine to water supplies to kill micro-organisms
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A method of splitting up a substance to identify compounds and check for purity
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Close Packed Metal Ions
Structure of a metal
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Colllison frequency
The number of successful collisions between reacting particles that happen in one second
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A liquid with small particles dispersed throughout it, forming neither solution nor sediment
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Process where fuels react with oxygen to produce heat
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Complete combustion
When fuels burn in excess of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water only
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Composite material
A material which consists of identifiably different substances
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Two or more elements which are chemically joined together e.g ; h20
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Particles pushed together, increasing pressure
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The amount of chemical dissolved in a certain volume of solution
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A form of artifical stone
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Conservation of mass
The total mass of reactants equal the total mass of products formed
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To lose strength due to chemical attack
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Covalent bond
Bond between atoms where an electron pair is shared
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The process of making small hydrocarbon molecules from larger hydrocarbon molecules using a catalyst
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Crude oil
Black material mined from the Earth from which petrol and many other products are made
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Turn from a coloured solution to a colourless solution
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Chemically broken down
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Gases coming out of volcanoes
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Delocalised Electrons
Electrons which are free to move away through a collection of ions - as in a metal
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The density of a substance is found by dividing mass by its volume
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Di - bromo compound
Colourless compound resulting from an alkene and bromine solution
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When particles diffuse they spread out
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Displacement reaction
Chemical reaction where one element displaces or 'pushes out' another element from a compound
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Displayed formula
When the formula of a chemical is written showing all the atoms and all the bonds
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Getting rid of unwanted substances such as plastics
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The process of evaporation followed by condensation
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Dot and Cross material
A drawn model representing the number of electrons in the outside shell of bonding atoms or ions
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Double covalent bond
Covalent bond where each atom shares two electrons with the other atom
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Energy losses caused by the continual pushing of an object against air or a liquid
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Ratio of useful energy output to total energy input; can be expressed as a percentage
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When an electric current is passed through a solution which conducts electricity
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The liquid in which electrolysis takes place
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Electron shells
The orbit around the nucleus likely to contain the electron
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Electronic Structure
The number of electrons in sequence that occupy the shells, e.g; the 11 electrons of sodium are in sequence
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Small particles within an atom that orbit the nucleus (that have negative charges)
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Electrostatic attraction
Attraction between opposite charges, eg; between Na+ and Cl-
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Substances made out of only one type of atom
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Endothermic reaction
Chemical reaction in which heat is taken in
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The ability to 'do work', for example the human body needs energy to function
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Biological catalysts that increase the speed of a chemical reaction
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Essential elements
The three elements, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that are essential for the growth of plants
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When waterways become too rich with nutrients (from fertilisers) which allows algae to grow wildly and use up all the oxygen
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When a liquid changes to a gas, it evaporates
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Exothermic reaction
Chemical reaction in which heat is given out
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Making an estimate beyond the range of results
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Chemical put on soil to increase soil fertility and allow better growth of crop plants
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Finite resource
Resources such as oil that will eventually run out
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Flame test
Test where a chemical burns in a bunsen flame with a characteristic colour - test for metal ions
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Cage - like carbon molecules containing many carbon atoms, e.g; buckyballs
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Giant ionic lattice
Sodium chlorine forms a lattice, also called a giant ionic structure
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Greenhouse gas
Any of the gases whose absorption of infrared radiation from the Earths structure is responsible for the greenhouse effect, e.g; carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour
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Group 1 metals
Metals in group 1 of the periodic table, e.g; lithium, sodium and potassium
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Group 7 metals
Non metals in group 7, eg; fluorine, bromine and iodine
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Haber process
Industrial process of making ammonia
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Reactive non-metals in group 7 of the periodic table, e.g; chlorine
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Second element in periodic table; an alpha particle is a helium nucleus
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Chemical used to kill weeds
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Hydrated iron (III) oxide
The chemical name for rust
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Growing plants in mineral solutions without the need for soil
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Igneous rock
Rock which has formed when liquid rock has solidified
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A chemical used to kill an insect
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Intermolecular force
Force between molecules
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Making an estimate within the range of results
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Radioactive isotopes of iodine are used in diagnosing and treating thyroid cancer
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Ionic bond
A chemical bond between two ions of opposite charges
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Ionic equation
An equation representing the formation of ions by the transfer of electrons
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The formation of ions (charged particles)
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Adds or removes electrons from an atom, leaving it charged
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Charged particles - postivite or negative
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Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
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Unit of work done and energy
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A sedimentary rock, made of calcium
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Limiting reactant
Chemical used up in a reaction that limits the amount of product formed
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To split apart
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A metamorphic rock, made of calcium carbonate
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Describes the amont of something; it is measured in kilograms
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Mass number
Number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus
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Melting point
Temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid
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Metabolic rate
The speed at which the amount of energy the body needs is released
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Metal halide
A compound of a halogen and a metal, e.g; potassium bromide
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Metallic bonding
The bonding between close - packed metal ions due to delocalised electrons
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Metallic properties
The physical properties specific to a metal, such as lustre and electrical conductivity
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Solid substances that are usually lustrous, conduct electricity and form ions by losing electrons
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Metamorphoric rock
Rock which has been changed after it has formed
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Molecular formula
The formula of a chemical using symbols in the periodic table, eg; methane has a molecular formula of CH4
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Two or more atoms which have been chemically combined
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Molten Liquid
A solid that has just melted, usually referring to rock, ores, metals or salts with very high melting points
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Carbon atoms formed into a very tiny tube
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Negative ion
An ion made by an atom gaining electrons
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A natural substance has a pH of 7
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Reaction between H+ ions and OH- ions (acid and base react to make a salt and water)
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Small particle which does not have a charge found in the nucleus of an atom
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A smart alloy which contains nickel and titanium
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Non metals
Substances that are dull solids, liquids or gases that do not conduct electricity and form ions by gaining electrons
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Non renewable energy
Energy which is used up at faster rate than it can be replaced e.g; fossil fuels
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Protons and neutrons - both found in the nucleus
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Central part of an atom that contains protons and neutrons
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Optimum conditions
The temperature under which a reaction works most effectively
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Optimum temperature
The temperature range that produces the best reaction rate
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A chemical reaction in which a substance gains oxygen and/or loses electrons
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Percentage Yield
The percentage yield of actual product made in a chemical reaction compared to the amount which ideally could be made
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A row in the periodic table
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Periodic Table
A table of all the chemical elements based on their atomic number
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pH scale
Scale in which acids have a pH below 7, alkalis a pH of above 7 and a neutral substance a pH of 7
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Physical property
Property that can be measured without changing the chemical composition of a substance, e.g; hardness
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Unwanted residues found that can sometimes cause damage
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A number of short- chained molecules joined altogether to form a long- chained molecule
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Postive ion
An ion made by an atom losing electrons
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Solid formed in a solution duringa chemical reaction
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Precipitation reaction
Chemical test in which a solid precipitate is formed - tests for metal ions
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Molecules produced at the end of a chemical reaction
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Small positive particles found in the nucleus of an atom
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Rate of reaction
The speed with which a chemical reaction takes place
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Chemicals which are reacting together in a chemical reaction
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Reaction time
The time it takes for a driver to step on the brake after seeing an obstacle
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A chemical reaction in which a substance loses oxygen and/or gains electrons
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Reinforced concrete
Concrete with steel rods or mesh running through it
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Relative atomic mass
The mass of an atom compared to 1/12 of a carbon atom
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Renewable energy
Energy that can be replenished at the same rate thats it's used up, e.g; biofuels
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To move away - charges repel
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A rock which formss when silica rich magma cools
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The substance made when iron corrodes, hydrated iron(III) oxide
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The substance formed when any acid reacts with a base
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Sea Water
Water containing high levels of dissolved salts making it undrinkable
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Sedimentary Rock
Rock which has formed when fragments of older rock or living things have stuck together, or by precipitation
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A process during water purification where small solid particles are allowed to settle
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Silver Nitrate
A chemical used for testing halide ions in water
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Single covalent bond
Bond between atoms where each the atoms share an electron pair
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Smart alloy
An alloy which will return to a previous shape
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An alloy which contains lead and tin
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A soluble substance can dissolve liquid, e.g; sugar is soluble in water
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When a solute dissolves in a solvent, a solution forms
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Specific heat capacity
The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1 degree Celsius
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Specific latent heat
The amount of energy needed to change the state of a substance without changing its temperature; for example the energy needed to change ice at 0c to water at the same temperature
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Stable electronic structure
A structure where the outer electron shell of an atom is full
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Where one plate sinks below another
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Thermal decomposition
The breaking down of a compound into two or more products on heating
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A picture showing differences in surface temperature of a body
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asubstance is one which is poisonous
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Transition element
An element in the middle section of the periodic table, between group 1 and 2 block and the group 3 to group 0 block
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Rain water which is made more acidic by pollutant gases


Acid rain

Card 3


A thick mat of algae near the surface of water which stops sunlight getting through


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Very reactive metals in group 1 of the periodic table, e.g; sodium


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Substances which produce OH- ions in waters


Preview of the back of card 5
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