
  • Created by: 13aj
  • Created on: 08-04-17 19:09
What colour is chlorine as a gas?
yellow green gas
1 of 31
What colour is Bromine as a liquid?
orange red liquid
2 of 31
What colour is Bromine as a gas?
orange gas
3 of 31
What colour is iodine as a solid?
shiny grey solid
4 of 31
What colour is iodine as a gas?
purple gas
5 of 31
Alkai metals become... reactive down the group.
6 of 31
Halogens become... reactive as you go down the group
7 of 31
Halogens and Group 1 metals create...
white solids
8 of 31
Safety precaution for halogens with group 1 metals
use safety goggles, use a fume cupboard, use plastic gloves
9 of 31
In the flame test, lithium goes... sodium goes... potassium goes... (metals)
crimson red. yellow-orange. lilac
10 of 31
The flame test is to identify... and the silver nitrate test is to identify...
metals. non metal ions
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In the silver nitrate test, chloride goes... bromide goes... iodide goes... (non metals)
white, cream, yellow
12 of 31
Atomic spectroscopy
this method is to identify and show the amount (concentration) of specific atoms/ions present in the sample.
13 of 31
what is the silver nitrate ionic equation for chloride? silver=Ag Chloride=Cl
14 of 31
What is the silver nitrate ionic equation for bromide?
15 of 31
What is the silver nitrate ionic equation for iodide?
16 of 31
Alkali metals react by.... 1 ....
losing 1 electron
17 of 31
Halogens, non-metals react by...1...
gaining 1 electron
18 of 31
Name 4 examples of sea water compounds
sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, sodium iodide.
19 of 31
The concentration of chlorine compounds is... than iodine compounds
20 of 31
What elements can be produced from sea water compounds?
Chlorine and Iodine
21 of 31
What is the element chlorine used for
treatment of water supplies, treatment of swimming pools, making household ceaners
22 of 31
what is the properties of chlorine
poisonous/toxic, kills bacteria
23 of 31
What is the uses of Iodine?
antiseptic following hospital procedures.
24 of 31
What is the properties of iodine?
poisonous/toxic, kills bacteria
25 of 31
What is the uses of helium
to fill weather balloons
26 of 31
what is the properties of helium
low density, very unreactive
27 of 31
what is argon used for
to fill light bulbs
28 of 31
what is the properties of argon
very unreactive, in the atmosphere
29 of 31
what is the use of neon
advertising lights
30 of 31
what is the property of neon
emits light when electric energy currnt passes through it
31 of 31

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What colour is Bromine as a liquid?


orange red liquid

Card 3


What colour is Bromine as a gas?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What colour is iodine as a solid?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What colour is iodine as a gas?


Preview of the front of card 5
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