Chem Unit 1

What is an element?
Simple substance that cant be split
1 of 80
Approximately how many elements are there?
2 of 80
Element in the periodioc table are arranged in order of...
Increasing atomic number
3 of 80
Do metals loose or gain electons?
Loose to become positive ions.
4 of 80
Do non-metals loose or gain electrons?
Gain to become negative ions.
5 of 80
What are ionic bonds formed between?
Non-metals and metals
6 of 80
What are covalent bonds formed between?
7 of 80
In a chemical reaction no atoms are ever...
... created or destroyed
8 of 80
What is thermal decomposition?
Heating a compound and breaking it down
9 of 80
What are the products when calcium carbonate is thermally decomposed?
Calcium Oxide and Carbon Dioxide
10 of 80
What do you see when calcium carbonate is thermally decomposed? (Visually)
Turns from green to black
11 of 80
What can limestone be used for?
Buildings, to make conrecte and mortar and cement
12 of 80
Explain how cement is made?
Limestone heated with clay in a rotary lime kiln
13 of 80
Explain how mortar is made?
Cement mixed with sand and water
14 of 80
Explain how concrete is made?
Cement mixed with sand and water and crushed rock
15 of 80
Explain how glass is made?
Limestone heated with sand and sodium carbonate
16 of 80
What is an ore?
Rock containing enough metal to be economically woth extracting.
17 of 80
Name a metal found 'native':
18 of 80
What metals can be extracted using carbon?
Metals lower than carbon on the reactivity series.
19 of 80
What is the apparatus used when extracting iron from an iron ore?
A blast furnace.
20 of 80
What is reduction?
Taking away oxygen.
21 of 80
What is the element that makes Iron impure?
22 of 80
Why is pure iron brittle (hard but easy to break)?
Because atoms are arranged in regular way that allows layers of atoms slide over eachother
23 of 80
What is an alloy?
Metal mixed with other metallic elements
24 of 80
Name the alloy iron is made into:
25 of 80
what 2 elements are usually in steel?
Carbon and Iron
26 of 80
Why is steel much stronger than iron?
Because steel has more atoms that change the arrangement of the atoms, making it more difficult for the layers to slide.
27 of 80
What is a smart alloy? Give an example
Alloy that once it has been heated, goes back to it's original shape. An example would be braces.
28 of 80
Properties of alloys that make them more useful than pure metals:
Harder/stronger. Less corrosive/don't rust
29 of 80
What type of elements form coloured compounds and act as catalysts?
Transition metals.
30 of 80
State 2 uses of copper:
Wires and pipes
31 of 80
Why are aluminium and titanium resistant to corrosion?
Because they have a thin layer of oxides
32 of 80
Why should we recycle Aluminium and Titanium?
Expensive-Limited resources-not much energy required, less damage to environment, no need to burn fossil fuels-reduces landfill
33 of 80
How is copper extracted from low grade ores?
34 of 80
Give brief explanation of Phytomining:
Sugar cane plants grown on low grade copper ore. Plants burnt and ash contains copper
35 of 80
Give brief explanation of Bioleaching:
Bacteria grown on low grade copper ore and produces a solution containing copper.
36 of 80
What is crude oil?
Mixture of hydrocarbons
37 of 80
How can we seperate crude oil into fractions?
Fractional distillation
38 of 80
What property does fractional distillation depend on?
Boiling point
39 of 80
What is a hydrocarbon?
compound of hydrogen and carbon
40 of 80
What is general formula of alkAnes?
41 of 80
Are alkAnes saturated or unsaturated?
Saturated (single bond)
42 of 80
What would you see if bromine was added to an alkane?
STAY orange (bc saturated)
43 of 80
What does volatile mean?
how easily substance evaporates
44 of 80
what does viscous mean?
How thick a substance is
45 of 80
What is an environmental issue of sulfur dioxide?
Acid rain
46 of 80
What does Carbon cause? (environmental issue)
Global dimming
47 of 80
What is cracking?
Large molecules to small molecules
48 of 80
How is cracking carried out?
with high temperature and a catalyst
49 of 80
What are the products of cracking?
50 of 80
Give general formula of alkEnes
51 of 80
Are alkEnes saturated or unsaturated?
Unsaturated (double bond)
52 of 80
What effect does bromine have on alkEnes?
goes colourless
53 of 80
What is a long chain of molecules called?
54 of 80
Name the polymere formed from ethene:
55 of 80
What are uses of polymeres?
Fillings for wisdom teeth. Light-sensitive plasters.
56 of 80
What is a smart polymere?
Polymeres that change with the environment
57 of 80
Are polymeres biodegradeable?
No. This is an issue as takes up landfill space.
58 of 80
How can ethene be made into ethanol?
By reacting it with steam in presence of a catalyst.
59 of 80
What is a catalyst?
Substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction + never runs out.
60 of 80
Why is ethanol made from plants carbon neutral but ethanol from fossil fuels/crude oil is not?
Because plants take in Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis so the carbon dioxide released was in the atmophere anyway. but crude oil is adding to the levels.
61 of 80
What do we add to oil and water to make them mix?
62 of 80
What are some examples of these mixtures where emulsifiers are used?
makeup, icecream
63 of 80
How can we use iodine to show that vegetable oils are unsaturated?
When veg oils are unsaturated the iodine will go colourless because unsaturated=double bond.
64 of 80
How can we harden oils to make margarine?
Add hydrogen and a nickel catalyst.
65 of 80
What are additives?
added to food to preserve and make food look appetising.
66 of 80
How can we identify artificial colours in foods?
67 of 80
Name the main 3 parts of the earth:
Core, Mantle, Crust
68 of 80
What is the shrinking earth theory?
As earth cooled it shrivelled and formed mountains/dips.
69 of 80
What is the crust broken up into?
tectonic plates
70 of 80
How do tectonic plates move?
Radioactive decay in the corle heat the mantle and cause convection currents.
71 of 80
What can happen along plate boundaries?
72 of 80
what evidence proves the earths crust was once one big land mass?
All the tectonic plates fit together (jigsaw fit). have the same fossil fuels.
73 of 80
What gases were present in the early atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide-methane-amonia-water
74 of 80
What gases are present in todays atmosphere?
78% Nitrogen. 21% Oxygen. 1% (other)
75 of 80
How did the carbon dioxide levels decrease?
Dissolved in the oceans. Production of sedimentary rocks such as limestone. Production of fossil fuels from dead plants/animals.
76 of 80
How has the % of oxygen increased?
Appearance of lants and algae producing oxygen in photosynthesis.
77 of 80
What gas is produced when fossil fuels go through complete combustion?
Carbon dioxide. This is an issue as it is a greenhouse gas enhancing the greenhouse effect and contributing to global warming. Lots of greenhouse gases trap the earths radiation in and increase temperatures.
78 of 80
What is special about noble gases?
They have a full outer shell/atoms always travel in pairs.
79 of 80
Give a use of helium:
Inflate balloons
80 of 80

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Approximately how many elements are there?



Card 3


Element in the periodioc table are arranged in order of...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Do metals loose or gain electons?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Do non-metals loose or gain electrons?


Preview of the front of card 5
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