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6. After being digested by the stomach, where does food go next?

  • Pancreas where 3 enzymes, carbohydrase, protease and lipase, continue digestion
  • Duodenum where it mixes with bile to neutralize the highly acidic food
  • Liver where it mixes with bile to neutralize the highly acidic food
  • Large intestine where water is absorbed from undigested food

7. What function do guard cells have in a leaf?

  • Controls water loss
  • Stops leaves getting diseases
  • Stores sunlight
  • Contains the genetic information

8. If the concentration of the solution inside the cell is the same as outside the cell, the solution is:

  • Isotonic
  • Hypotonic
  • Hypertonic
  • Burst

9. What makes bacteria, viruses and red blood cells different to other cells?

  • They have no purpose
  • They have no nucleus
  • They are all in the blood

10. What do plant cells have that animal cells do not?

  • Ribosomes, Cell wall and cytoplasm
  • Cell wall, vacuole and chloroplasts
  • Vacuole, chloroplasts and cytoplasm
  • Cell membrane, vacuole and chloroplasts