CC- Homer

Where does book 5 start? and what is happening?
Mt Olympus, Meeting of Gods athena is concerned about Odysseus being held captive in Ogygia, 'left to languish in misery".
1 of 65
Why is Athena worried of Odysseus' son?
Telemachus has gone to 'sacred pylos' and 'blessed lacedaemon' for news of his father, and suitors plan to murder him on the way back.
2 of 65
What is Zeus' decision at the beginning of book 5?
Hermes can tell him and caypso,odysseus can go home with no divine intervention. set out on raft, put together by own hands.
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when hermes arrived where was odysseus?
'sitting disconsolate on the shore.'
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how did calypso reply to herems telling her she needs to let odysseus go?
she 'shuddered' and called them 'hard hearted gods' she thinks zeus is unreasonable because of all the affaires he has had with mortals. she claimed she saved odysseus when he zeus shattered his ship with a lightening bolt.
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when hermes addressed calyso he said zeus sent him here, what does that show about calypso?
that hermes anticipated her anger, showing her general personality and reputation.
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what does calypso tell odysseus to do when making his raft?
to 'fill some tall trees with an axe, make a wide raft and fit half decs ontop' and 'dont go on grieving dont waste any more of your life on this island'
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why is odysseus worried about travelling the ocean on a raft? what does odysseus think calypso is doing?
because 'even the fastest sailing ships don't cross it' he thinks she's tricking him and makes her swear an oath.
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calypos oath?
'now let the earth be my witness, with the broad sky above, and the waters of styx that flow below . . .i plot no other mischief against you but am considering only what I should do on my own behalf.'
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Calyso asks Odysseus a very awkward question, about whether she is more beautiful then penelope, how does he reply? what does this show about odysseus' personality?
'penelopes looks and stature are insignificant compared with yours. For she is a mortal and while you have immortality and unfading youth' this shows odysseus' intelligence.
10 of 65
what four items did calyso give odysseus to build his raft?
'great axe of bronze' 'adze of polished metal' 'alders and poplas' 'towering fires' 'all dry timber' 'boring tools'
11 of 65
How did Calypso break the law of xenia?
she asked hermes questions before inviting him in and giving him ambrosia and nectar.
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Island in book 6?
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Name of people, king, queen and princess in book 6?
phaeacians, alcinous, arete and nausicaa.
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history of phaeacians?
originally lived in phaeacia, but moved because cyclopes kept invading their land.
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6 points about nausicaa's personality.
good relationship with father, understand each other. beautiful as goddess - compared to artemis, tall. keen to marry. thinks her people are gossips. understands rules of hospitality. sporty.
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describe the palace of alcinous and arete.
blue enamel freeze, bronze walls, silver lintel, gold doors, silver door posts, gold and silver dogs, gold door handles.
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where is odysseus at the begining of book 7?
athenas grove.
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How does athena help odysseus in the beginning of book 7?
'enveloping him in a thick mist' showed him the way to the palace, tells him to go to arete because she 'settles mens disputes'.
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when odysseus talks to athena disguised as a young girl, what doe she say and what does this show about him?
he lies and says i 'don't know a single soul in the city or the country around' this shows him to be sneaky and manipulative and cunning.
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what does athena say showing the people are gossips (whilst disguised as a young girl)
the phaeacians 'have little affection for strangers and do not welcome visitors with open arms'.
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describe phaeacian family tree
alcinous' dad is nausithous, nausithous' dad is poesidon, alcinous' brother is rhexoner, rhexoners daughter is arete.
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what does the description of the phaeasian palace say about the Gods?
that they are special and god like because gods have friezes on their temples.
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what special skill were phaeacian women given?
'Athena has given them outstanding skill in beautiful crafts and such fine intelligence'
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describe the orchard next to the Phaeacian palace?
four acres, peas, pomegranates, apple tree and glossy fruit, sweet figs, and luxuriant olives. never fails no runs short, winter or summer. 'perfection'
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what advice does Echeneus give to Alcinous?
'tell him to get up and sit in one of the silver chairs, and tell your squires to mix some wine so that we can make a fresh libation to zeus the thunderer patron of suppliants, who deserves respect'
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where is odysseus at the beginning of book 9?
on the island of scherie enjoying a banquet given in his honour.
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what is odysseus' idea of perfection?
festivals with music and food, where everyone is happy.
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what is illiim?
another word for troy.
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what is the 'city if cicones' called?
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describe the episode of the land of the cicones.
Started off well, ended badly because he went into the land of the cicones took things by frce but then his men didnt want to leave, giving time for the cicones to fight back and kill some of the men.
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why are the Cyclopes considered to be uncivilised people?
'fierce lawless people who never lift a hand to plant or plough but just leave everything to the imortal gods'
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how many men and what else did odysseus take with him to investigate the cyclopes island?
12 of his best men, goatskin with some dark mellow wine in.
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first impression of polyphemus?
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why did odysseus wait for the cyclopes to come back
to get gifts - law of xenia says he should
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how does polyphemus show he doesnt care for the gods?
'we the cyclopes care nothing for zeus'
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2 things odysseus lies to polyphemus about?
his name, where his ship is.
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what was odysseus' original plan to get past the cyclopes and why didn't he do it?
to stab him in the breast, didnt because they wouldn't be able to get out of the cave.
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how many men does polyphemus eat in total?
6 men
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how does homer make the cyclopes story interesting?
thick mist around island = mysterious. we think men are safe when their sailing away but they're not. danger when men under sheep. like countdown when men are eating the sheep. bolder in front of cave, doomed,
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what was unusual about aeolus' family?
their always eating, the brothers and sisters are all married to each other.
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what does aeolus give odysseus?
all the winds accept the west, so he can get back to ithaca.
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why isnt aeolus so kind the second time?
the first time proved the gods 'detest' odysseus.
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what does the wind bag episode tell us about odysseus?
that he's not very trusting of people, and that odysseus' men arn't very trusting of him.
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who is aeolus? where does he live?
god of wind, aeolia
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who is the cheif of the laestrygonians?
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What happens to odysseus' fleet at the island of the laestrygonians?
get eaten and ships sink because rocks were thrown at them
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where does circe live?
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whats unusual about the wolves and lions around circes residence?
their tames.
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what is circe doing when the men find her?
singing and weaving
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what happens to odysseus' men on aeaea?
they get turned into pigs.
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what is moly and how does odysseus know about it?
protects odysseus from circes spell, hermes gives it him
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what promise does odysseus make circe make before going to bed with him?
swear an oath not to harm him
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how long does odysseua stray with circe? what reminds odysseus to leave?
1 year his men
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what does circe tell odysseus to do before he goes home?
to go to the underworld for advice from telemechus the blind prophet
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where did the phaeacians used to live?
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how many brothers does nausicaa have?
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when odysseus appears for the first time infrom of nausicaa, what is he compared to?
a mountain lion, fire in his eyes, looking for pray.
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why does odysseus go back to aeaea?
elpanor fell off the roof an died, they go back to bury him so he can reach the underworld. this is when circe tells odysseus what will happen.
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what does circe say about the sirens?
betwithcing songs, odysseus to be tied up, men put bees wax in ears.
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what does circe say are the two routes odyssus could take?
wandering rocks, amphitrite sends her greak breakers thundering in, in the other direction lies two rocks and scilla.
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what does circe say about scilla?
dreadful bark, 12 feet, 6 necks, triple rows of fangs on each head.
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what does circe say about charybdis?
sucks waters down 3 times a day and spews them up 3 times a day. better to lose six men then whole crew so face sylla. dot fight, sylla will only eat more men.
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what does circe say about the island of thinacle?
7 heards of cattle, 7 heards of sheep. sun gods animals. if you hurt them you'll die.
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what happens to then men on the island of thinacle and why?
zeus bolts them with thunder bolt because they killed the cattle.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is Athena worried of Odysseus' son?


Telemachus has gone to 'sacred pylos' and 'blessed lacedaemon' for news of his father, and suitors plan to murder him on the way back.

Card 3


What is Zeus' decision at the beginning of book 5?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


when hermes arrived where was odysseus?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how did calypso reply to herems telling her she needs to let odysseus go?


Preview of the front of card 5
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