Other questions in this quiz

2. The calculation for concentration is...?

  • Number of moles, divided by the volume in cm³.
  • The volume in cm³, multiplied by the number of moles.
  • Number of moles, multiplied by the volume in cm³.
  • The volume in cm³, divided by the number of moles.

3. What is the relative atomic mass of a substance?

  • The molar mass divided by the mass of an atom
  • The average mass of an atom compared to 1/12th of CARBON 12
  • The mass of an atom divided by 1/12th of CARBON 12

4. How do you calculate the number of moles in a substance?

  • Mass in grams, multiplied by the molar mass
  • Mass in grams, divided by the molar mass
  • Molar mass, divided by the mass in grams
  • Relative atomic mass, divided by the molar mass

5. Empirical Formula is ... ?

  • The percentage composition by mass of a molecule.
  • The simplest whole number ratio of the atoms in a compound.
  • The most important formula.
  • The most accurate integer ratio of the atoms in a compound.


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