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6. What is the general formula for alkenes?

  • CnH2n
  • CnH2n+2
  • C2nHn
  • CHn

7. What method is used to separate crude oil?

  • Hydration
  • Fractional distillation
  • Thermal decomposition
  • Cracking

8. Electrolysis is:

  • A form of displacement with carbon.
  • Splitting up ionic compounds using electricity.
  • Generating electricity by burning fossil fuels.
  • Splitting radioactive nuclei.

9. Which of these chemical symbols is incorrect?

  • Tungsten - Tg
  • Potassium - K
  • Osmium - Os
  • Silver - Ag

10. What does limestone thermally decompose to form?

  • Calcium dioxide and carbon dioxide
  • Calcium oxide and water
  • Calcium oxide and carbon dioxide
  • Calcium dioxide and carbon monoxide

11. Why are alloys stronger and harder than pure metals?

  • The added metal is harder than the original metal.
  • The atoms are now bigger so there is less room to move.
  • Different sized atoms disrupt the regular arrangement of atoms and so the layers cannot slide over each other.
  • Different types of free electrons repel each other and so keep the metal in a certain shape.

12. What is ionic bonding?

  • Giant structure of transition metals.
  • A metal loses electrons to a non-metal and the electromagnetic forces attract the atoms together.
  • Metals in a lattice with delocalised electrons.
  • Non-metals which share electrons.

13. In an ion, the number of electrons equals the number of protons

  • False
  • True