BTEC Sport - Components of Physical and Skill-Related Fitness

I’m a component of physical fitness, sometimes called stamina
Aerobic endurance
1 of 11
I’m skill related and need to get quicker at responding to a stimulus
Reaction time
2 of 11
I’m a component of fitness, important if I need my legs not to tire on a 10k run
Muscular endurance
3 of 11
I’m a component of physical fitness, the person who wins the race has the most...
4 of 11
I’m a component of skill-related fitness and you need me to move fast in many directions without losing control
5 of 11
I’m skill related and I involve being able to use strength at speed
6 of 11
I’m a component of physical fitness and I’m the amount of force a muscle can exert
7 of 11
I’m a component of physical fitness and you need me in your joints to have a good range of motion in most sports
8 of 11
I’m a component of skill-related fitness and I am the ability to maintain your centre of mass while moving or standing still
9 of 11
I’m a component of physical fitness and the percentage of body weight that is fat, muscle or bone
Body Composition
10 of 11
I’m skill related and you need me to be able to move two or more parts of the body at the same time
11 of 11

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Card 2


I’m skill related and need to get quicker at responding to a stimulus


Reaction time

Card 3


I’m a component of fitness, important if I need my legs not to tire on a 10k run


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


I’m a component of physical fitness, the person who wins the race has the most...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


I’m a component of skill-related fitness and you need me to move fast in many directions without losing control


Preview of the front of card 5
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