Brain and behaviour lecture 2

Slide 4
go back
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What is the brain stem?
The midbrain + the hindbrain (+ thalamus)
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What is at the top of the brain?
The Tectum ("roof of the midbrain"
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What is in the Tectum?
The superior and inferior colliculi
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What is the superior colliculi?
Involved with visual reflexes and reacts to visual stimuli, is above the inferior colliculi cc
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What is the inferior colliculi?
Involved with auditory reflexes and reacts to auditory stimuli
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Where is the Tegmentum?
In the midbrain below the tectum , (floor/covering)
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What is in the tegmentum?
The rostral parts of FINISH
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What is the rostral part of the reticular formation?
Involved in sleep, arousal, attention, muscle tonus and some reflect movements. Gets information and sends it up into the cerebral cortex and down the spinal cord
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What is the periaqueductal gray matter?
Consists of cell bodies "Grey matter" and it surroounds the cerebral aqueduct. involved in sequency movement and species specific behavour and pain
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What are the red nucleus?
Part of the motor system, more relied on in primitive species and when we are young, helps control movement until we get older, conveys information from the cerebral cortex and down the spinal cord
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What is the substantia nigra?
Cells which tend to die of in Parkinsons disease , involved in the control of movement, Projects to the caudate nucleus and the putamen (basal gagnlia)
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Slide 19
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What are the two major divisions in the hindbrain?
Mentacephalon and myelencephalon (marrow brain)
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What is in the metencephalon?
Cerebellum and pons
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What is the cerebellum?
"little brain", covered by the cerebellar cortex (has it's own cortex), contains a set of deep cerebellar nuclei
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What is the cerebellum?
Coordinates rapid sequences of movements and contains twice as many neurons as the cerebral cortex
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Where does the cerebellum get information from?
Slide 24
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What does the cerebellum do with information?
Integrates the information and motifes motor output
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What happens if you damage the cerebellum?
Impairs standing, walking, may result in jerky, uncoordinated movements, can be damaged by alcohol short and long term.
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What cognitive tasks does the crebellum help with?
Non-motor associative learning, shifting visual attention, speed and timing judgements, cerebellar cognitive affective sysnfrom, social cognition
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What are mirror neurons?
neurons which fire not only when you make a movement but when you see someone make a movement found mainly in the pre-motor and pir-i-it-al areas
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What did Cattanco do to look at the cerebellum?
Got people to identify the odd one out in a random sequence of action pictures (used biological and inanimate stimuli biological = human, inanimate = object)
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What were the results from Cattanco's study into the cerebellum?
Patients were worse than the control group in both conditions, but especially during the biological tasks
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What were the conclusions from cattaneo's study?
The cerebellum is involved in "general purpose" sequencing of events (Even if they are non-motor), cerebellum can difereitate between biological and non-animate sequences and may be involved in "mirroring" and understanding the actions of others.
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What is the pons?
A large bulge in the brainstem, lies between the mesencephalon and the medulla and is immediately ventral to the cerebellum
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What does the pons contain?
nuclei that appear to be important in sleep (PGO waves, atonia in REM), a large nucleus relaying information from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum (Pontine), parts of the reticular formation
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What does the myelencephalon contain?
The medulla oblongata
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Slide 37
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What does the medulla do?
Regulates the cardiac system, regulates respiration and holds the skeletal muscle tonus
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What is the other name for the spinal cord?
Spinal foramen
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How thick is the spinal cord?
About as thick as our little finger
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Where is the spinal cord contained?
In the spine (vertebral column)
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What is the spinal cord?
The major conduit of information to and from the brain
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Slide 41 dor parts of the spinal cord
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What are the principle functions of the spinal cord?
1) distribute motor fibres to the effector organs (glands and muscles), 2) collect somato sensory information to pass on to the brain 3) has some autonomy, reflexive control circuits
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What does the spinal cord do?
Communicates with the body via spinal cord
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What is information coming into the system? (doral root)
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slide 43
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What is the Meningens?
The protective layer around the central nervous system
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Slide 44
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Different layers of the spinal cord
slide 46
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Peripheral nervous system break down
slide 49
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How many cranial nerves are there?
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What are the carnial nerves?
Attached to the ventral surface of the brain, most serve sensory and motor functions in the head and nec
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What cranial nerve regulates the function of organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities?
One, Vagus nerve
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Slide 51 for the different nerves
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What is vagus nerve stimulation?
When you put a pulse on the vagus nerve in order to stimulate it, can treate epilepsy and depression
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What is the en-ter-ic nerves system?
nervus system in the gut, talks to the brain via the vagus nerve
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What is in the autonomic nervous system?
Controls glands, cardiac muscles and smooth muslcles
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What do the glands do?
Enocrine - organs that produce hormones, exocrine - secretes substances externally
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What is sympathetic division?
fight and flight
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What is the parasympathetic divison?
rest and digest
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Are the sympathetic and parasympathetic mutually exlusive?
not always, for example with sexual arousal and orgasms
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Are the sympathic ganglia interconnected?
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Are the parasympathetic ganglia connected?
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What is EDA?
electrodermal activity
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What is GSR?
galvanic skin response
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the brain stem?


The midbrain + the hindbrain (+ thalamus)

Card 3


What is at the top of the brain?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is in the Tectum?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the superior colliculi?


Preview of the front of card 5
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