Boys and Achievement


1. A criticism of Mitos and Browne is..?

  • Anti-school male subcultures still exist, affecting achievement
  • There was not a decline in skilled jobs which require qualifications, thus there should be no effect on boys' motivations
  • As education has also become feminised, boys' should be used to working in this environment
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Other questions in this quiz

2. What has a shortage of male primary teachers led to?

  • Girls being favourited by other female teachers
  • A lack of a strong postive male rolemodels both at school and at home
  • A feminised education system

3. Sewell argued that..?

  • Education is very masculine, celebrating qualities such as competitivenss and leadership, leading to boys' doing well
  • Education has become feminised and schools do not nurture 'masculine traits' and instead celebrate qualities associated with girls
  • Middle class boys are more likely to be harrassed if they appear to be 'swots'

4. How have boys' leisure pursuits influenced achievement?

  • Activities such as football and playing computer games have done little to develop language skills
  • Reading and creative tasks are typical activities of boys, and have therefore developed language skills
  • Football and computer games have helped to aid boys' visual learning, increasing achievement

5. Francis claimed that..?

  • Boys are more likely to be labelled as swots, so naturally try to avoid this by horsing around in class
  • Boys were more concerned than girls about being labelled by peers as swots because it was more of a threat to their masculinity
  • Boys are more worried about being labelled as 'yobs' than girls, and so focus attention on school-work




Really good and helpful to find out what I didn't know and needed to revise :)

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