Book 1 quotes - Iliad

First line of the Iliad
"Anger - sing, goddess, the anger of Achilles son Peleus"
1 of 45
Who is Chryses
Apollo's "priest"
2 of 45
Why does Agamemnon dismiss the priest
"this was not at all to Agamemnon's liking [...] she will grow old in Argos, in my household, along way from her country, working at the loom, sharing my bed"
3 of 45
What does Chryses do when Agamemnon dismisses him
"the old man poured prayers to lord Apollo"
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simile for Apollo when he comes down from Olympia
"his descent was like nightfall"
5 of 45
how long did the plague last for
10 days
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which god/goddess gave Achilles the idea to summon an assembly
"white-armed Hera"
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what does Achilles suggest would help stop the plague
"he may be willing to accept an offering of unblemished sheep and goats and save us from the plague"
8 of 45
what is the Greek prophet called
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what does he ask before revealing his prophecy
"listen to me first and swear an oath to use all your eloquence and strength to look after me and protect me"
10 of 45
what is the prophecy
"Agamemnon insulted his priest, did not free his daughter and refused the ransom"
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simile of Agamemnon furious at Calchas
"his eyes were like flames of fire"
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quote to disrespect for his wife
"because I wanted to have her home myself. Indeed, I like her better than my wife Clytaemnestra, Chryseis is quite as beautiful and no less clever or skilful with her hands"
13 of 45
what does Agamemnon say in response to Calchas
"still, I am willing to give her up, if that appears the better course [...] but give me another prize at once or I will be the only one of us without one"
14 of 45
what does Achilles suggest if Agamemnon gives Chryseis back
"we will compensate you three, four times over"
15 of 45
how does Agamemnon feel without a prize
"do you expect me to sit tamely by while I am robbed?"
16 of 45
what does Agamemnon threaten Achilles first
"If not, I shall come and help myself to your prize"
17 of 45
what characterisation does Agamemnon comment Achilles on
18 of 45
what does Achilles say about being in Agamemnon's army
"It was no quarrel with Trojan warriors that brought me here to fight [...] we joined your expedition, you shameless swine, to please you, to get satisfaction from the Trojans for Menelaus and yourself"
19 of 45
what does Achilles threatens to do
"so, I shall now go back home to Phthia"
20 of 45
how little does Agamemnon see Achilles now
"I am not going down on bended knees to entreat you to stay here on my account. There are others with me who will treat me with respect, and Zeus wise in counsel is first among them"
21 of 45
how much does Agamemnon hate Achilles now
"of all Olympian bred lords here, you are the most hateful to me"
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what does Agamemnon threaten Achilles second
"I will come in person to your hut and take away fair-cheeked Briseis, your prize, Achilles to let you know how far I am your superior"
23 of 45
what did Achilles feel like doing to Agamemnon
"he was torn whether to draw the sharp sword from his side [...] and disembowel Agamemnon, or control himself and check his angry impulse"
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which god/goddess stops Achilles from killing Agamemnon
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who sent Athene to stop Achilles from killing Agamemnon and why
"white-armed Hera [...] she felt equally close to both men and was concerned for them"
26 of 45
how did Athene stop Achilles from killing Agamemnon
"seized him by his auburn hair"
27 of 45
what does Athene tell Achilles to do
"give up this quarrel and take your hand from your sword. Insult him with words"
28 of 45
what insults does Achilles throw at Agamemnon
"it suits you better to remain in camp, walking off with the prizes of anyone who contradicts you - a leader who grows fat on his own people!"
29 of 45
what does Achilles swear to
"the day is going when the Greeks one and all will miss Achilles badly, and you in your despair will be powerless to help them as they fall in their multitudes to man-slaying Hector"
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who tried to reconciliation Achilles and Agamemnon
"eloquent Nestor"
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what is said about Nestor
"whose speech flowed sweeter than honey off his tongue"
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what does Nestor say to convince that they should listen to him
"not a soul on earth today could live with those men in battle - and they listened to what I said and followed my advice"
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what does Nestor say to stop the quarrel
"you, Agamemnon, though you have the authority, do not rob him of his girl [...] and you Achilles, give ip your desire to cross swords with your leader"
34 of 45
what is the point Nestor is making
"even if you, goddess for mother, are the better fighter, yet Agamemnon is your superior since he rules more people"
35 of 45
does Nestor's speech work
it fails
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what is Agamemnon's reply to Nestor
"but [...] he wants to dominate everyone, to lord it one everyone and to give us each our orders"
37 of 45
what does Achilles say before they parted
"I am not going to fight you, or anyone else, with my bare hands for this girl's sake [...] but there's much else by my swift black ship that is mine, and you will take none of that against my will"
38 of 45
what happened after they parted
Achilles "made off to his hut and ships" Agamemnon "launched a swift ship into the water [...] loaded the offering of cattle for sacrifice for the god and seated fair-cheeked Chryseis on board"
39 of 45
who was the leader on the ship sent to Chryses
"quick-thinking Odysseus"
40 of 45
what did Agamemnon tell the army to do
"purify itself by bathing"
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what did they do after bathing
"offered perfect sacrifices of bulls and goats to Apollo"
42 of 45
what Agamemnon tell his heralds and busy attendants to do
"take fair-cheeked Briseis by the hand and bring her here"
43 of 45
what did the two feel when they arrived to Achilles' hut
"too terrified and embarrassed before their lord to address him"
44 of 45
how does Achilles react when he sees heralds
"welcome. Come in. My quarrel is not with you but Agamemnon"
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who is Chryses


Apollo's "priest"

Card 3


Why does Agamemnon dismiss the priest


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does Chryses do when Agamemnon dismisses him


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


simile for Apollo when he comes down from Olympia


Preview of the front of card 5
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