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6. What is the spinal cord?

  • A division of the CNS that is an extension of the brain. It is responsible for reflex actions such as pulling your hand away from a hot plate.
  • A division of the PNS that is an extension of the brain. It is responsible for higher order functioning of the brain.
  • A division of the PNS that is an extension of the brain. It is responsible for movement and co-coordinating neurochemical imbalances.
  • A division of the CNS that is an extension of the brain. It is responsible for the higher order processing of information.

7. What is the function of the peripheral nervous system?

  • Sends information to the central nervous system from the outside world, and transmits messages from the CNS to muscles and glands in the body.
  • Co-ordinates with the functioning of the body leading to the fight or flight response activation and the the rest and digest once the nervous system has been activated the rest and digest response comes into play, leaving the body at a resting state.
  • Sends information to the endocrine glands were they are converted into chemical signals to carry out a response.
  • Send information to neurons in the muscles and co-ordinates a response by converting electrical transmission into chemical information.

8. The parasympathetic nervous system is described as...

  • having actions that are antagonistic to the sympathetic system.
  • having actions that are similar to the sympathetic system.
  • having actions that are not noticeable compared to the sympathetic system.
  • have actions that are very extreme compared to the sympathetic nervous system

9. What is cognitive reserve?

  • Educational attainment influence how brain adapts to new situations
  • The capacity of the neural pathways
  • The first stage of functional recovery
  • How your brain adapts to the stresses of everyday living (stimulating the fight or flight response).

10. Maguire et al found...

  • Found larger parietal cortex in brains of people who were bilingual compared to matched monolingual controls.
  • London taxi drivers had significantly more volume of grey matter in the posterior hippocampus than in matched group control. Positive correlation with length of time as taxi driver and size of hippocampus.
  • Studied medical studies 3 months before their final exams as well as during and after. Found changes in prain volvum in posterior hippocampus and parietal cortex, presumably as result of exams taken.
  • Revealed that functional recovery can occur. Studied Sarah Scott and improvements in her speech production over time as her brain from new neural pathways and activated secondary pathways.

11. What is the outer layer of the brain called?

  • Cerebral cortext
  • Cerebellum cortext
  • Cerebral coating
  • Cerebellum coating

12. What does the nervous system consist of

  • Exocrine and central nervous system
  • Central nervous system and the brain
  • Peripheral and central nervous system
  • Endocrine and central nervous system

13. The ANS triggers physiological changes in the body which creates the physiological arousal necessary for the fight or flight response. Which one is correct?

  • Heart rate increases, breathing rate increases, dilates pupils, inhibits digestion, inhibits saliva production and relaxes rectum
  • Heart rate increases, breathing rate increases, constricts pupils, inhibits digestion, inhibits saliva production and contracts rectum
  • Heart rate increases, breathing rate increases, dilates pupils, inhibits digestion, inhibits saliva production and contracts rectum
  • Heart rate increases, breathing rate increases, constricts pupils, inhibits digestion, inhibits saliva production and relaxes rectum

14. Finally, once the threat has passed, the PSNS returns the body to the resting states, this involves...

  • Decreases heart rate, decreases breathing rate, constricts pupils, stimulates digestion, stimulates saliva production and relaxes rectum.
  • Decreases heart rate, decreases breathing rate, constricts pupils, stimulates digestion, inhibits saliva production and relaxes rectum.
  • Decreases heart rate, decreases breathing rate, constricts pupils, stimulates digestion, inhibits saliva production and constricts rectum.
  • Decreases heart rate, decreases breathing rate, constricts pupils, stimulates digestion, inh saliva production and relaxes rectum.

15. The PNS transmits messages, via neurons, to and from the CNS. It is further subdivided into the:

  • The central nervous system (composed of the brain and spinal cord) and the endocrine system (one of the body's major information systems that instructs glands to release hormones directly into the bloodstream that are carried towards target organs).
  • Glands (organs in the body that synthesis hormones) and muscles (another type of effector that causes movement within the body).
  • Autonomic nervous system (governs vital functions in the body such as BR and HR) and Somatic nervous system (controls muscle movement and receives information from sensory receptors).
  • Parasympathetic nervous system (the fight or flight response, involves increased HR and BR), parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response, return the body to normal resting state, decreased BR and HR)

16. When a stressor is perceived the part of the brain called the .................................. triggers activity in the sympathetic branch of the nervous system.

  • Hypothalamus
  • Midbrain
  • Adrenal medulla
  • Hippocampus