
  • Created by: LCEM
  • Created on: 08-10-18 18:46
Which two cranial bones are paired?
Parietal bone, temporal bone
1 of 38
Where is the sphenoid bone?
Inside the skull, behind the eyes
2 of 38
Where is the ethmoid bone?
Makes up interior of the nose
3 of 38
Which two bones does the saggital suture separate?
Parietal bone
4 of 38
Which two bones does the coronal suture separate?
Parietal and frontal bones
5 of 38
Which two bones does the lambdoid suture separate?
Parietal and occiptal bones
6 of 38
Which two bones does the squamosal suture separate?
Parietal and temporal bones
7 of 38
Which two bones does the parieto-mastoid suture separate?
Parietal bones inferiorly to the upper border of mastoid process of the temporal bone
8 of 38
Name the paired bones of the face.
Maxilla, zygomatic, nasal, lacrimal, palatine
9 of 38
Name the unpaired bones of the face.
Mandible, vomer, hyoid
10 of 38
What does the orbicularis oris do?
Changes the position of the lips for protrusion, retraction, closure, and elevation
11 of 38
Where does the levator labii superioris originate from?
Infraorbital margin
12 of 38
Where does the mentalis insert?
13 of 38
Where does the depressor anguli oris originate from?
14 of 38
Where does the depressor labii inferioris originate from?
15 of 38
Where does the platysma insert into?
Corners of the mouth
16 of 38
What does the platysma do?
Depresses the mandible
17 of 38
Where does the levator anguli oris originate from?
18 of 38
Where does the masseter run between?
Zygomatic arch and ramus of mandible
19 of 38
Where does the temporalis run between?
Temporal/parietal bones and ramus of mandible
20 of 38
Name the depressors of the mandible
Mylohoid, platysma, geniohyoid
21 of 38
Where does the mylohoid originate from and insert into?
Originates on underside of mandible, inserts on corpus of hyoid
22 of 38
Where does the medial pterygoid run between?
Medial pterygoid plate and ramus of mandible
23 of 38
Where does the platysma originate from and insert into?
Originates from pectoral region and inserts into corners of mouth
24 of 38
Where does the geniohyoid originate from and insert into?
Originates on mentail spine of mandible and runs backwards to insert on hyoid bone
25 of 38
True or false - the transverse tongue muscles flatten the tongue.
26 of 38
True or false - the vertical tongue muscles narrow the tongue
27 of 38
Where does the palatoglossus run between?
Soft palate and posterior sides of tongue
28 of 38
Where does the palatopharyngeus run between?
Soft palate and posterior sides of thyroid cartilage
29 of 38
What area does the muscuclus uvulae make up?
Medial and posterior portion of the velum
30 of 38
What happens when the musculus uvulae contracts?
Bunches up the velum
31 of 38
What does a uvular trill sound like?
32 of 38
Where does the levator veli palatini originate from and insert into?
Originates from temporal bone and inserts into the soft palate
33 of 38
Which area does the levator veli palatini make up?
Bulk of the soft palate
34 of 38
Which is the most important elevator of the velum?
Levator veli palatini
35 of 38
What does the middle pharyngel constrictor do?
Takes over and pushes bolus down into the oesophagus
36 of 38
What does the superior pharyngeal constrictor do?
Pushes the bolus back
37 of 38
What does the inferior pharyngeal constrictor do?
Pushes the bolus back
38 of 38

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where is the sphenoid bone?


Inside the skull, behind the eyes

Card 3


Where is the ethmoid bone?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which two bones does the saggital suture separate?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which two bones does the coronal suture separate?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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