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6. A plant can convert glucose into cellulose. What does the plant use cellulose for?

  • To grow fruits and flowers
  • To evolve so it can survive
  • To strengthen the cell wall
  • To make proteins which allow the plant to grow

7. What is a substrate?

  • Where the breakdown occurs
  • The substance being broken down
  • The enzyme

8. Which method produces gametes?

  • Meiosis
  • Mitosis

9. How is a constant diffusion gradient maintained in the lungs?

  • We are always breathing and blood always flows around the body
  • The brain tells it to
  • We are always breathing
  • Blood always flows around the body

10. How does our body change to respond to exercise?

  • Heart rate quickens, breathing quickens/deepens and we ache
  • Heart rate slows and breathing slows/shallower
  • Heart rate quickens and breathing quickens/deepens
  • We ache

11. What happens to an enzyme if it's in conditions above the optimum temperature?

  • There is no change
  • They become denatured
  • They breakdown substances faster
  • They change colour

12. What else can a plant convert glucose into?

  • Oils/fats
  • There are no more things is can convert glucose in to
  • Sugar
  • Minerals

13. What is the function of bile, which is produced in the liver?

  • To neutralise alkali solutions in the stomach
  • To breakdown glucose
  • To neutralise acid in the stomach
  • To breakdown proteins

14. What happens if the temperature is too high in photosynthesis?

  • The rate of photosynthesis decreases
  • The rate of photosynthesis increases

15. What is the function of epithelial tissue in the body?

  • To produce substances such as enzymes and hormones
  • To cover parts of the body
  • To bring about movement by contracting

16. How is the root hair cell adapted to fullfil it's function of absorbing minerals?

  • It has a larger surface area
  • It has a smaller volume
  • It has a small surface area
  • It has a larger volume

17. The equation for aerobic respiration is the photosynthesis equation reversed

  • True
  • False

18. What is a yeast cell bud in a yeast cell?

  • It holds the nucleus; so the nucleus does not react with the acid in the cytoplasm it is stored in a separate area
  • It is a genetic copy of the original cell, which separates to form another yeast cell
  • It is this cell's version of a vacuole
  • This is just a made up feature

19. Why do red blood cells contain no nucleus?

  • There is more space for haemoglobin
  • The temperature can go higher, so the haemoglobin can work better, without destroying the nucleus
  • They do have a nucleus
  • There is more space for water which makes the haemoglobin work better

20. How does surface area affect diffusion?

  • Surface area does not affect diffusion
  • The greater the surface area the faster diffusion occurs
  • The greater the surface are the slower diffusion occurs