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6. how are the alveoli in the lungs adapted for gas exchange?

  • moist surface, large surface area, good carbon dioxide supply
  • good blood supply, moist surface, large spherical surface area, very thin walls
  • good blood supply, moist surface, good oxygen supply

7. how dos the oxygen and carbon dioxide get into and out of your blood stream?

  • diffusion
  • osmosis
  • active transport

8. why is the lining of the small intestine folded?

  • to create a large surface area
  • for growth
  • so respiration takes place easier

9. what are the adaptations of the villi?

  • large surface area, rich blood supply, moist surface, thin walls
  • thin walls, moist surfaces, good blood supply
  • large surface area, good blood supply

10. how do amino acids, glucose and fatty acids from the gut get into the blood stream?

  • osmosis
  • active transport
  • A combination of diffusion and active transport
  • respiration
  • diffusion alone