Biology Biotechnology Definitions


1. Natural vegetative propogation is

  • Refers to the production of structures in an organism that can grow into new individual organisms. These offspring contain the same genetic information as the parent and so are clones of the parent
  • 2) as in plants, mass genetic uniformity makes the species unable to adapt to changes in environment 3) animals may not remain healthy in the long term
  • Ethical objections, and some people think there is a lack of understanding on how these clones will behave over time
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2. Clones are

  • Genes, cells or whole organisms that carry identical genetic material because they are derived from the same original DNA
  • 2) often produce proteins or chemicals that are released into the surrounding medium and can be harvested 3) can be genetically engineered to produce specific chemicals 4) not dependant on climate 5) purer products than those from chemical synthesis
  • Ethical objections, and some people think there is a lack of understanding on how these clones will behave over time

3. Secondary metabolites are

  • 1) enzymes not present with products so downstream processing cost low 2) enzymes are immediately available for reuse 3) immobilised enzymes are more stable as the matrix protects them
  • Substances produced by an organism that are not part of its normal growth, the antibiotic chemicals produced by a number of microorganisms are almost all secondary metabolites
  • A growth of microorganisms, this may be a single species (pure culture) or a mixed species (mixed culture), microorganisms can be cultured in a liquid such as nutrient broth or a solid surface such as nutrient agar gel

4. The growing conditions in an industrial fermenter can be manipulated by adjusting

  • 1) enzymes not present with products so downstream processing cost low 2) enzymes are immediately available for reuse 3) immobilised enzymes are more stable as the matrix protects them
  • Temperature, type and time of nutrient, oxygen concentration, pH
  • A growth of microorganisms, this may be a single species (pure culture) or a mixed species (mixed culture), microorganisms can be cultured in a liquid such as nutrient broth or a solid surface such as nutrient agar gel

5. Asepsis is

  • The absence of unwanted microorganisms
  • 1) immobilisation requires additional time, equipment and materials 2) immobilised enzymes may be less active as they are held separate 3) any contamination is costly as the whole system would need to be stopped
  • 1) enzymes not present with products so downstream processing cost low 2) enzymes are immediately available for reuse 3) immobilised enzymes are more stable as the matrix protects them


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