Biology B3

Active Transport
Process that can move substances across cell membranes from low concentrations to high concentrations (against the concentration gradient). Active transport uses energy and is carried out by protein carriers in the cell membrane.
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Structure in the lung that provides a large surface area with an extensive network of capillaries to carry out gaseous exchange.
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Special protein in the body that can destroy a particular pathogen.
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Upper chambers of the heat that receive blood from the veins.
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Battery Farming
Rearing large numbers of animals into small spaces to maximise the efficiency of production.
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Fuel such as wood or ethanol, derived from biological materials that can absorb carbon dioxide while they are growing so their use is less harmful to the environment than burning fossil fuels.
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Tissue specialised for transport of substances including oxygen, carbon dioxide, food molecules, and wastes in larger animals. Blood is made up of plasma, red and white blood cells and platelets.
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Small blood vessel with a very thin wall and narrow diameter. They allow exchange of substances between cells and blood.
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Large-scale felling of trees to allow use of the land for building or agriculture.
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Not containing enough water to function properly.
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Condition in which blood glucose levels rise because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
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Mechanical means of filtering the blood and removing harmful substances, used when the kidneys do not work properly.
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Exchange System
Organ system that exchanges materials, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and other wastes, between an organism and its surroundings.
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Removal of waste materials produced by the reactions of the body.
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Large container used for growing large numbers of micro-organisms.
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Removing particles from a liquid by passing it through a medium with small holes that do not allow the particles to pass through.
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Fish Stocks
The numbers of fish in the waters that are fished. Overfishing reduces fish stocks.
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Global Warming
Change in climate caused by the emission of more greenhouse gases.
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Soluble protein that also contains an iron atom. Found in red blood cells. It carries oxygen from the lungs to respiring tissues
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Describes drugs that suppress the immune system, given to recipients of a transplanted organ to reduce the risk of rejection.
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Hormone produced by the pancreas that causes body cells to take up glucose from the blood.
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Kidney Stone
Lump of material that forms in the kidney, blocking ducts and causing pain.
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Space in a blood vessel through which blood flows.
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Organ of many land animals, specialised to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.
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Tissue made up of muscle fibres, specialised to contract and bring about movement in the organism.
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High protein food produced from a fungus.
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Nerve Impulses
Electrical signals that carry information along nerves.
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Diffusion of water through a partially permeable membrane, from a dilute solution to a more concentration.
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Haemoglobin with oxygen atoms attached.
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Partially Permeable Membrane
Membrane that has small pores through which small molecules such as water can pass, but not larger molecules such as protein.
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Type of soil formed from rotting vegetation that is rich in carbon, and is burned as a fuel.
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Plant tissue made up of living cells that has the function of transporting food substances through the plant.
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Fluid in the blood in which the cells are suspended. Plasma transports carbon dioxide, digested food molecules and urea.
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Substance put into the environment by human activity, which is not normally there.
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Contamination of the environment by harmful substances.
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Limits to the numbers of fish that can be caught in a particular area, set to prevent damage to fish stocks.
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Rate Of Transpiration
How quickly a plant is losing water by transpiration (evaporation from its leaves). The rate affected by factors including humidity, air movement and temperature.
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Process of reabsorbing useful substances including glucose, ions and water into the blood from the kidney tubule so they are not excreted. It takes place in the kidney.
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Attack on a transplanted organ by the immune system within a recipients body.
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Relating to the kidney.
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Automatic response to the cold, where muscles under the skin contract repeatedly to release more heat by respiration.
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Narrow mesh tube that is inserted into a blocked artery.
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Pores on the surface of a leaf that allow water, carbon dioxide and oxygen to diffuse in and out of the leaf.
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Describes the use of resources for/by humans without harming the environment.
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Regulating body temperature.
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Group of cells of a similar structure and function working together, such as muscle tissue in an animal and xylem in a plant
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Matching the tissues of donor and recipient in a transplant operation, so that their antigens are similar and there is less chance of rejection.
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Movement of water through the xylem of a plant, from the roots up to the leaves.
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Continuous flow of water through the xylem of a plant, from the roots up to the leaves where it evaporates.
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Serious injury, for example resulting from an accident.
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Substance produced in the liver from the breakdown of amino acids, and removed in the urine by the kidneys.
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Structures that allow one-way movement of a fluid and prevent backflow.
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Narrowing of blood vessels, so that less blood can flow through.
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Widening of blood vessels, so that blood can flow through more easily.
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Movement of air into and out of the lungs, brought about by inhaling and exhaling.
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Lower chambers of the heart that contract and force blood out of the blood out of the heart into the arteries.
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Structure in the small intestine that provides a large surface area with an extensive network of capillaries to absorb the products of digestion by diffusion and active transport.
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Describes a liquid that evaporates quickly.
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Plant tissue made up of dead cells that has the function of transporting water and dissolved substances through the plant.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Structure in the lung that provides a large surface area with an extensive network of capillaries to carry out gaseous exchange.



Card 3


Special protein in the body that can destroy a particular pathogen.


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Card 4


Upper chambers of the heat that receive blood from the veins.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Rearing large numbers of animals into small spaces to maximise the efficiency of production.


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