Biology words

  • Created by: elena9078
  • Created on: 15-05-17 20:18
The eye's ability to change focus
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Part of the sperm that contains enzymes
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Active Immunity
You have immunity if your immune system recognises a pathogen and fights it
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Active Site
The place on an enzyme where the substrate molecule binds
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Active Transport
Cells use energy to transport substances through cell membranes against a concentration gradient
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Features that organisms have to help them survive in their environment
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Aerobic Respiration
Respiration that involves oxygen
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A substance made by the fermentation of yeast
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Inherited characteristics are carried as pairs of alleles on pairs of chromosomes. Different forms of a gene are different alleles.
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Amino Acids
Small molecules from which proteins are built
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Anaerobic Respiration
Respiration without oxygen
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Therapeutic drug acting to kill bacteria which is taken into the body
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Protein normally present in the body or produced in response
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Any substance that stimulates the production of antibodies - antigens on the surface of red blood cells determine blood group
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Antiviral Drug
Therpeutic drug acting to kill viruses
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Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
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Asexual reproduction
Reproduction involving only one parent
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Molecule used to store energy in the body
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A type of plant hormone
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Part of neurone that carries nerve impulses
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Single - celled micro-organisms which can either be free-living organisms or parasites (they sometimes invade the body and cause disease)
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Binocular Vision
The ability to maintain visual focus on an object with both eyes, creating a single visual image
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Binomial system
The scientific way of naming an organism
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Range of different living organisms in a habitat
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Biological catalyst
Molecules in the body that speed up chemical reactions
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Biological control
a natural predator is released to reduce
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Waste wood and other natural materials which are burned in power stations
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Blind Trial
A drugs trial where volunteers do not know which treatment they are recieving
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Blood Pressure
Force with which blood presses against the walls of the blood vessels
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Blood sugar level
Amount of glucose in the blood
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Body mass index
BMI - measure of someones weight in relation to their hieght
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Life-threatening condition where body cells divide uncontrolably
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Small blood vessels that join arteries to veins
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Captive Breeding
Breeding a species in zoos to maintain the wild population
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Carbon dioxide
Gas present in the atmosphere at low percentage but important in respiration, photosynthesis and combustion; a greenhouse gas which is emitted into the atmosphere as a by- product of combustion
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Carbon Footprint
The total amount of greenhouse gases given off by a person in a given time
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Carbon Monoxide
Poisonous gas made when fuels burn in a shortage of oxygen
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Plant pigment involved in photosynthesis
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Cell differentiation
When cells become specialised
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Cell membrane
Layer around a cell which helps to control substances entering and leaving the cell
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Central Nervous system
Collectively the brain and spinal cord
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Gases which used to be used in refridgerators and which harm the ozone laye
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Pigment found in plants which is used in photosynthesis (gives green plants their colour)
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Fatty substance which can block blood vessels
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Thread- like structures in the cell nucleus that carry genetic information
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Genetically identical copy
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Protein used for support in animal cells
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Process where fuels react with oxygen to produce heat
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All the plants and animals living in an ecosystem, eg; a garden
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Dead and decaying plant material
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The amount of chemical dissolved in a certain volume of solution
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A way of protecting a species or environment
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Conservation of mass
The total mass of reactants equals the total mass of products formed
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When red blood cells shrink in concentrated solutions, they look partly deflated
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Crop Rotation
System of growing crops in a sequence
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to rot
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Organisms that break down dead animals and plants
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Result of body losing too much water
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Denitrifying Bacteria
Bacteria that convert nitrates into nitrogen gas
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The density of a substance is found by dividing its mass by its volume
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A drug that slows down the working of the brain
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An organism that eats dead materials, e.g: an earthworm
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The dead and semi- decayed remains of living things
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Diastolic Pressure
The lowest point that your blood pressure reaches as the heart relaxes between beats
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What a person eats
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When particles diffuse they spread out
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Cells that have two copies of each chromosome
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Getting rid of unwanted substances such as plastics
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Molecule found in all body cells in the nucleus - its sequence determines how our bodies are made, and gives each one of us a unique genetic code
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DNA Bases
Four chemicals that are found in DNA, they make up the base sequence and are given the letters A, T, G and C
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Dominant Allele / characteristics
An allele that will produce the characteristic if present
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Double circulatory system
Where the blood is pumped to the lungs then returned to the heart before being pumped round the body
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EAR for protein
Estimated average daily requirement of proetin in diet
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Ecological niche
The role of an organism within an ecosystem
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Ratio of useful energy output to total energy output
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The way an animal gets rid of undigested food waste called faeces
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A species where the numbers are so low they could soon become extinct
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The ability to 'do work', for example the human body needs energy to function
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Biological catalysts that increase the speed of a chemical reaction
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When a liquid changes in to a gas, it evaporates
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The gradual change in organisms over millions of years caused by random mutations and natural selection
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The process of getting rid of waste from the body
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Exponential Growth
The ever - increasing growth of the human population
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When all memebrs of a species have died out
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Making an estimate beyond the range of results
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When a sperm fuses with an egg
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Chemical put on soil to increase soil fertility and allow better growth of crop plants
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First - class protein
Proteins from meat and fish which contain all essential amino acids
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Chemical used to kill fungi
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The male and female sex cells (sperm and eggs)
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Section of DNA that codes for a particular characteristic
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Gene pool
The different genes available within a species
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Gene therapy
Medical procedure where a virus is used to 'carry' a gene into the nucleus of a cell (this is a new treatment for genetic diseases)
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Genetic engineering
Transfer of genes from one organism to another
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The genetic make up of an organism
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A plant's growth response to gravity
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Global warming
The increase in the Earth's temperature due to increase in carbon dioxide levels
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Greenhouse gas
Any of the gases whose absorption of infrared radiation from the Earth's surface is responsible for the greenhouse effect, e.g; carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour
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Where an organism lives, e.g; the worm's habitat is the soil
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Chemical found in red blood cells which carries oxygen
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A drug, like LSD, that gives the user hallucinations
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Cells that have only one copy of each chromosome
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Heat stroke
Result of body being too hot; skin is cold, pulse is weak
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Chemical used to kill weeds
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A person who has two different alleles for an inherited characteristic e.g: someone with blond hair may also carry an alleles for red hair
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A person who has two alleles that are the same for an inherited feature, e.g a blue-eyed person will have two blue alleles for eye colour
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Chemicals that act on target organs in the body (hormones are made by the body in special glands)
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The infertile offspring produced when two animals of different species breed
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Growing plants in mineral solutions without the need of soil
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Small gland in brain, detects temperature of blood
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A condition caused by the body getting too cold, which can lead to death if untreated
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Breeding closely related animals
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Indicator Species
Organisms used to measure the level of pollution in water or the air
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A chemical that can kill an insect
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A substance that reduces the movement of energy; heat insulation in the loft of a house slows down the movement of warmth to the cooler outside
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Hormone made by the pancreas which controls the level of glucose in the blood
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Intensive farming
Farming that uses a lot of artificial fertilisers and energy to produce a high yield per farm worker
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Kite Diagram
Method of displaying results from a transect line
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An illness caused by protein deficiency due to lack of food. Sufferers often have swollen bellies caused by retention of fluid in the abdomen
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A plant that has bacteria inside root nodules that provide the plant with nitrates
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To split apart
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Animals that have fur and produce milk for their young
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Cell division that results in haploid cells
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Tips of roots and shoots where cell division and elongation takes place
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Messenger RNA
Copy of a section of DNA used to carry the gene code to the ribosomes
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Metabolic Rate
The speed at which the amount of energy the body needs is released
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Very small organism which can only be viewed through a microscope - also known as a microbe
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Natural solid materials with a fixed chemical composition and structure, rocks are made of collections of minerals; mineral nutrients in our diet are things like calcium and iron, theyy are simple chemicals needed for health
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Structures in a cell where respiration takes place
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Cell division that results in genetically identical diploid cells
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Two or more atoms which have been chemically combined
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Monohybird cross
A cross between two organisms that differ by a single characteristic. Used to follow the inheritance of a single pair of genes
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Motor Neurone
Nerve cell carrying information from the central nervous system to muscles
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Multicellular Organism
Organisms made up of many specialised cells
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Where the DNA within cells have been altered (cancer)
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A relationship in which both organisms benefit
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Natural selection
Process by which 'good' characteristics that can be passed on in genes become more common in a population over many generations (good characteristics mean that the organism has an advantage which makes it more likely to survive)
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Nitrogen- fixing bacteria
Bacteria that convert nitrogen into ammonia or nitrates
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Nuclear transfer
Type of cloning that involves taking a nucleus from a body cell and placing it into an egg cell
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Central part of an atom that contains protons and neutrons
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A medical condition where the amount of body fat is so great that it harms health
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Optium temperature
The temperature range that produces the best reaction time
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A type of diffusion which depends on the presence of a partially - permeable membrane that allows the passage of water molecules but large molecules such as glucose
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Oxygen debt
The debt for oxygen that builds up in the body when demand for oxygen is greater than supply
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Ozone Layer
Layer of the Earth's atmosphere that protects us from ultraviolet
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A drug that stops nerve impulses so pain is not felt
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Palisade Cells
Tightly packed together cells found on the upper side of a leaf
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Organism which lives on (or inside) the body of another organism
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Partially- Permeable membrane
A membrane that allows some small molecules to pass through but not larger molcules
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Harmful organisms which invade the body and cause disease
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Performance enhancer
a drug used to improve performance in a sporting event
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Ph scale
scale in which acids have pH below 7, alkalis a pH of above 7 and a neutral substance a pH of 7
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The characteristic that is shown/ expressed
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Specialised transporting cells which form tubules in plants to carry sugars from leaves to other parts of the plant
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Process carried out by green plants where sunlight, carbon dioxide and water are used to produce glucose and oxygen
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A plant's growth response to light
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A dummy pill
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Plant hormones
Hormones that control various plant processes such as growth and germination
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Build up of cholesterol in a blood vessel (which may block it)
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Yellow liquid found in blood
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The shrinking of a plant cell due to loss of water, the cell membrane pulls away
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The process of transferring pollen from one plant to another
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Unwanted residues found that can sometimes cause damage
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Groups of organisms of the same species in a habitat
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Animal which preys on (and eats) another animal
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Animals which are eaten by a predator
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Organisms in a food chain that make food using sunllight
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Having no regular pattern
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Rate of reaction
The speed with which chemical reaction takes place
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Reaction time
The time it takes for a driver to step on the brake after seeing an obstacle
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Recessive allelle / characteristic
Two recessive alleles needed to produce the characteristic
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To reuse material
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Red blood cells
Blood cells which are adapted to carry oxygen
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A muscular action that we take without thinking about
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When a light ray travelling through air enters a glass block and changes direction
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Cold blooded vertebrate having an external covering of scales or horny plates
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Process occuring in living things where oxygen is used to release the energy in foods.
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Respiratory Quotient
The result of dividing carbon dioxide produced by oxygn used, can be used to determine the types of molecule used in respiration
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Structures in a cell wher protein synthesis takes place
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An organism that bro funggi eaks down dead organic matter, usually used to refer t
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Second - class protein
Proteins form plants which only contain some essential amino acids
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Selctive breeding
Process of breeding organisms with the desired characteristics
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Sensory neurone
Nerve cell carrying information from receptors to central nervous system
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Basic catergory of biological classification, composed of indivduals that resmble one another, can breed among themselves, but cannot breed with members of another species
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Speed time graph
A plot of how the speed of an object varies with time
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Spongy mesophyll cells
Found in the middle of a leaf with an irregular shae and large air spaces between them
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Small holes in te surface of leaves which allow gases in and out of leaves
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Sudden change in blood flow to the brain - can be fatal
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Th substance upon which an enzyme acts
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Sustainable development
Managing a resource so that it does not run out
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Gap between two neurons
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Systolic pressure
The highest point that your blood pressure reaches as the heart beas to pump blood through your body
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A measure of the degree of hotness of a body on an arbitrary scale
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Temerature coefficient
Equation used to calculate the effect of temperature on the rate of an enzyme - controlled reaction
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Blood clot in a blood vessel causing it to be blocked
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Tissue Culture
Process that uses small sections of tissue to clone plants
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A toxic substance is one which is poisonous, e.g ; toxic waste
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A poisonous substance
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Line across an area to sample organisms
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Tests to find if something works and is safe
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Trophic level
The stages in a food chain
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Abnormal mass of tissue that is often cancerous
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Plant cells which are full of water with their walls bowed out and pushing against neighbouring cells
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Turgor pressure
The pressure exerted on the cell membrane by the cell wall when the cell is fully inflated
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Units of alcohol
Measurement of alcoholic content of a drink
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Space containing hardly any particles
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The differences between individuals (because we all have slight variations in our genes)
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Vascular bundle
Group of xylem and pholem cells
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In cold conditions the diameter of small blood vessels near the surface of the body decreases - this reduces the flow of blood
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In hot conditions the diameter of small blood vessels near the surface of the body increases - this increases the flow of blood
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An animal that carries a pathogen without suffering from it
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A type of diet; a person who does not eat animal or animal products
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A type of diet; a person who does not eat meat or fish
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Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
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White blood cells
Blood cells which defend against disease
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Plant pigments involved in photosynthesis
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Cells specialised from transporting water through a plant; xylem cells have thick walls, no cytoplasm and are dead, their end walls break down and they form a continous tube
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Part of the sperm that contains enzymes



Card 3


You have immunity if your immune system recognises a pathogen and fights it


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The place on an enzyme where the substrate molecule binds


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Cells use energy to transport substances through cell membranes against a concentration gradient


Preview of the back of card 5
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