Biology - Plant Organs and Photosynthesis

  • Created by: Jasmin3
  • Created on: 16-04-18 18:56
Give 3 plant organs.
Stem, root, leaves.
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Where does photosynthesis happen in a plant?
In the pallisade mesophyll tissue.
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What is the function of the spongy mesophyll tissue?
Contains big air space, to allow gases to diffuse in and out of cell.
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What are the function of the xylem and phloem?
To transport water, minerals, food etc... around the plant.
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Where would you find the epidermal tissue and the meristem tissue?
Epidermal Tissue - Covers whole plant. Meristem tissue - at the growing tips of shoots and roots to diffrenciate plant cells.
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What does a waxy cuticle help in the epidermal tissue?
Helps to reduce water loss by evaporation.
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Why is the upper epidermis transparent?
Allows light to transfer through to the pallisade layer.
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What does the pallisade layer have to attract the most light?
Lots of chloroplasts.
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What do xylem and phloem have to deliver goods? What is there other job?
Vascular bundles. They support the structure.
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Why is the lower epidermis full of holes? What are these called?
To allow gas exchange. Stomata.
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How are stomata controlled?
Guard Cells open and close in response to environmental conditions.
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What do the air spaces in the spongy mesophyll increase?
The rate of diffusion of gases.
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Give 2 characteristics of phloem and how this helps? What is their role?
Made of columns of elongated cells, have small pores in end walls. Allows cell sap to flow through. They transport food substances in both directions.
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What is the process called in phloem tubes?
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Give 2 characteristics of xylem and how this helps? What is their role?
Made of dead cells, end to end, have nno walls and are strengthened by lignin. Carry water from roots, to stem and leaves.
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What is the process called in xylem tubes?
Transpiration Streams.
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What is transpiration? Where is it most common?
Caused by evaporation and diffusion of water from plant's surface. Most common in the leaves.
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What happens when evaporation causes a shortage of water in a plant?
More water is drawn up through the xylem vessel to replace it.
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What are plant organs made of?
Plant Tissues.
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When water is drawn up through a plant, what constant does this cause?
A transpiration stream.
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Why does water ecape through the leaves by diffusion?
Because there is more water inside the plant than in the outside air.
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How is the transpiration rate affected by light intensity?
The brighter the light, the greater the transpiration rate. Stomata close in the dark, photosynthesis stops. Very little water escapes.
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How does temperature affect transpiration rate?
The warmer it is the faster the transpiration rate. When water particles are warm they have more energy to evaporate and diffuse through stomata.
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How does air flow affect transpiration rate?
The better the air flow around a leaf the greater the transpiration rate. If air flow around a leaf is poor, water vapour surrounds it, slowing down diffusion.
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How does humidity affect transpiration rate?
The drier the air the faster the transpiration rate. If it's humid there is as much water in the air as in the leaf so diffusion becomes slow.
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How could you estimate rate of tranpsiration?
Measure the uptake of water, because this will be the same as water loss.
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What shape are guard cells and what is their role?
Kidney shaped, they open and close stomata.
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What happens to the guard cells when the plant has lots of water?
They fill up also and go turgid. The stomata then opens so gases exchange for photosynthesis.
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What happens to guard cells when the plant has a lack of water?
Guard cells lose water and become flaccid. The stomata closes to stop water vapour escaping.
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Give 2 characteristics of guard cells? Why?
Thin outer and thick inner walls - to help opening and closing. Sensitive to light and close at night - to save water.
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Where would you find the most stomata? Why?
On the undersides of leaves because a lower surface is shaded and cooler meaning less water is lost.
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Where does photosynethesis take place? How does this happen?
In the chloroplasts of plant cells, which contain chlorophyll and absorb light. Energy is transferred to chloroplasts by light.
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Photosynthesis is endothermic. What does this mean?
Energy is transferred from the environment in the process.
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Give the word and symbol equation for photosynthesis.
Carbon Dioxide + Water - Glucose + Oxygen ( CO2 + H2O - C6H12O6 + O2)
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Give the 5 main ways plants use glucose.
1) Respiration 2) Making cellulose 3) Making amino acids 4) Stored as oil/fats 5) Stored as starch
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Give 4n main limiting factors of photosynthesis.
Light, Temperature, Chlorphyll and Carbon Dioxide.
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How does light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis?
It provides energy for the reaction. If light levels are raised, the reaction rate increases steadily, to a point. After this it won't make a difference due to other limiting factors.
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How do you investigate light intensity affect on photosynethesis? What does it look like on a graph?
You can move a lamp closer and further away from plant and count gas release (bubbles). A graph would curve and then flat line.
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How does CO2 level affect rate of photosynthesis?
More CO2 increase reaction rate to a point and the levels off. It then no longer incrreases due to limiting factors?
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What would CO2 levels affcet on photosynthesis look like on a graph?
It will curve up and then flat line.
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How does temperature have an affect on the rate of photosynethsis?
If it's too low, enzymes won't work quick enough, slowing it down. If it's too hot (45 degrees) enzymes will be damaged, also slowing it down.
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What would temperature affect on photosynethesis look like on a gragh?
Curves up slowly to a point and then drops at a quicker rate.
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Give the equation for light Intensity.
Light Intensity is proportional to = 1/ distance squared.
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What is the best way to artificallt control the photosynthesis reaction?
In a greenhouse.
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Give 4 ways a greenhouse controls the photosynthesis reaction.
They trap the sun's heat, or ventilate to contol temp. Can increase CO2 levels with a parrafin heater. Light is easy to supply in the day and artifical light at night. Plants are enclosed, away from pests.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where does photosynthesis happen in a plant?


In the pallisade mesophyll tissue.

Card 3


What is the function of the spongy mesophyll tissue?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the function of the xylem and phloem?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where would you find the epidermal tissue and the meristem tissue?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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