Biology January Mock Quiz

  • Created by: elshooper
  • Created on: 06-01-18 20:15
What organ deals with Lactic Acid
1 of 65
What is metabolism?
Sum of all the reactions in the body
2 of 65
What is anaerobic respiration?
Respiration without oxygen
3 of 65
What is the equation for anaerobic respiration?
Glucose -> lactic acid
4 of 65
What is aerobic respiration?
Energy transferred for your cells to use
5 of 65
Which is aerobic respiration?
an exothermic reaction
6 of 65
What is the equation of aerobic respiration?
glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water
7 of 65
What is an example of a body response to exercise
increase in heart rate
8 of 65
What temperature should you incubate bacteria at?
9 of 65
What do enzymes do?
Break large molecules into small ones, stick small molecules together to make big ones
10 of 65
What do catalysts do?
Speed up reactions without being used up
11 of 65
What is health?
A state of physical and mental well being
12 of 65
What are communicable diseases caused by?
Microorganisms called pathogens
13 of 65
What are examples of microorganisms?
Bacteria, viruses and fungi
14 of 65
What does bacteria do?
Produce toxins that make you feel ill
15 of 65
What do viruses do?
Live and reproduce inside your cells, causing damage
16 of 65
What are stem cells?
A cell that has not yet become specialised
17 of 65
What does mitosis do?
Divide a cell into two identical ones
18 of 65
Which are factors that affect transpiration?
Temperature, humidity, air flow and light intensity
19 of 65
How is salmonella spread?
Through undercooked food and poor hygiene
20 of 65
What is the treatment for Gonorrhoea
Antibiotics, condoms and limiting sexual partners
21 of 65
What does rose black spot reduce?
22 of 65
What is malaria caused by?
Protists - bite of female mosquito
23 of 65
What is transpiration?
The loss of water vapour from the surface of plant leaves
24 of 65
The stomata and guard cells control what?
Gas exchange and water loss
25 of 65
What is the role of the phloem?
Transports food, dissolved sugars
26 of 65
What is the role of the xylem?
Transports water and mineral ions
27 of 65
What do carbohydrates do?
Provide us with fuel that makes reactions of life possible
28 of 65
What are lipids?
The most important energy source in your body
29 of 65
How can you tell if there is protein in a substance?
Blue biuret turns purple
30 of 65
How can you tell if there are lipids in a substance
Ethanol test indicates presence
31 of 65
How can you tell if there are carbohydrates in a substance?
Yellow-red iodine solution turns blue-black
32 of 65
Where is amylase produced?
Salivary glands, pancreas and small intestine
33 of 65
Where is protease produced?
Stomach, pancreas and small intestine
34 of 65
Where is lipase produced?
Pancreas and small intestine
35 of 65
What is digestion
The breakdown of large insoluble food molecules, into water-soluble ones
36 of 65
What do stents do?
Keep narrowed or blocked arteries open
37 of 65
What do statins do?
Reduce cholesterol levels in the blood
38 of 65
What does the aorta do?
Carries oxygenated blood around the body
39 of 65
What does the vena cava do?
brings deoxygenated blood into the heart
40 of 65
Pulmonary artery
Takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs
41 of 65
What do arteries do?
Carry oxygenated blood from heart to organs
42 of 65
What do veins do?
Carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart
43 of 65
What do capillaries do?
Have thin walls to enable substances to diffuse easily
44 of 65
What are artificial pacemakers?
Electrical devices used to correct irregularities in heart rhythm
45 of 65
What is osmosis?
The movement of water from a more concentrated solution to a less concentrated solution
46 of 65
What is diffusion
The spreading of particles
47 of 65
What is active transport?
Movement of substances against the concentration gradient
48 of 65
What are examples of eukaryotic cells?
Animal and plant
49 of 65
What is an example of a prokaryotic cell?
50 of 65
How do you work out size of image
magnification x size of object
51 of 65
What is vaccination?
Introducing dead or inactive forms of pathogens
52 of 65
How do antibiotics cure diseases?
Killing bacterial pathogens
53 of 65
How are monoclonal antibodies produced?
Stimulating mouse lymphocytes
54 of 65
Are benign tutors dangerous
No, they form in one place and don't spread
55 of 65
What are malignant tissues?
Cancers that invade and spread to neighbouring tissues
56 of 65
What do alveoli do?
Provide a very large surface area for diffusion of gas
57 of 65
What are placebos
Drugs prescribes for psychological benefit
58 of 65
What are blind trials
Volunteers don't know which group they're in. Researchers do.
59 of 65
What are double blind trials
Volunteers nor researchers know groups until end of trial
60 of 65
Combining stimulated mouse lymphocytes with a tumour makes:
A hybridoma cell
61 of 65
Bile does what?
Neutralises acid, emulsifies fats
62 of 65
What do villi do?
Increase surface area for diffusion
63 of 65
what does a high temperature do to enzymes
Denature, change the shape of the active site
64 of 65
What defend you against pathogens by making antibodies?
white blood cells
65 of 65

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is metabolism?


Sum of all the reactions in the body

Card 3


What is anaerobic respiration?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the equation for anaerobic respiration?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is aerobic respiration?


Preview of the front of card 5
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