
  • Created by: Amirahhh
  • Created on: 19-03-17 17:03
is the spreading out of particles from an area of of a high conectration to an area of low concentration
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cell membrane
disolved substance can move in and out of cells by diffusion. Only small molecules can fit through E.g oxygen, glucose, and amino acids
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specialised cell
is a cell that carry out a special function E.g palisade leaf .
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what a specialsied cell forms ?
it forms tissue which form organs which then forms the organ systems
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Palisade leaf cell
carrys out lot of photosynethsis. They contain lotsof chlorplast which is needed.
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changing from a cell to a specialised cell
The process is called differentiation. It occurs as a multicellular organism that develops (grows)
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large mulitcellular organisms
they have differnt systems inside them for exchanging and transporting materials
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is a group of similar cells that word together to carry out a particular funtion
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Muscular tissues
which contracts (shortens) to move whatever its attached to
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Glandualr tissues
it makes a substance like enzymes and hormones
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Epithelial tissue
which covers some parts of the body E.g the inside of the gut
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is a group of differnt tissues that work together to perform a certin function
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Stomach (organ)
Muscular tissue moves the stomach wall to churn the food. Glandular tissue makes the digestive juices to digest food. Epithelial tissue covers the outside and inside of the stomach
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Digestive system
breaks down food byr releasing juices then the system abosrbs the products of digestion.
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Salivary Glands
produces digestive juices
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produces bile
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digests food
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produces digestive juices
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Large intestine
absorbs water from undigested food leaving faeces (poo)
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small Intestine
digests food and absorbs soluble food molecules E.g glucose
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Leaves (made up of tissues aswell)
Epidermal tissue -covers the whole plant. Mesophyll tissue - where most of the photosynthesis in plant occurs. Xylem & Phloem -vessels transport subsances around the plant
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is the process that makes food in plants and algae. It happens in the chloroplast
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contains a green substance call chlorphyll. This absorbs energy from sunlight. The energy is used to turn CO2 and water in to glucose.
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Equation for photosynthesis
Carbon Dioxide +water -> glucose +oxygen (sunlight and chloroplast)
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The rate of photosynthesis
is how fast it happens but it depends on the amount of light there is , the amount of CO2 and the temperature.
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Limiting factors
is something that stops photosynthesis from going any faster. E.g at night there is no light, and In winter its cold
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Farming in a greenhouse
Farmers can limit the limtion factors by growung plants in a greenhouse.
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Light in greenhouses
As greenhouses are made up of glass so lots of light is let through. Farmers can also suply artificial lights at nights E.g lamps so photosynthesis can carry on at night
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CO2 in greenhouses
They can add Co2 inside the greenhouse by using a paraffin heater that makes carbon dioxide while it burns.
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Temperature in greenhouses
They are warm as they trap the suns heat. Also in the winter they can use a heater to keep it warm. In the summer they use shades or open windows to cool things down
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what plants need in a greenhouse
Giving plants more light, Co2, and heat costs money but if farmers keep the conditions just right the plants will grow much faster. This means the famer will get a good crop more oftern whihc can be sold.
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what plants need in a greenhouse
The farmer needs to supply the right amount of light Co2 and heat. It needs to be enough to make the plants grow well.but not more than the plants need as it would be just wasiting money
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5 things that plants use glucose for
Respiratiion,making cell walls, making protien, stored in seeds, stored as startch
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respiration in plants
plants make gluocse in their leaves which is used for repiration
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cell walls in plants
Glucose is made into cellulose. Then cellulose is used to make a strong cell wall
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protiens in plants
plants abosrb nitrate ions from the soil. Glucose is joined with nitrate ions to make amino acids. Then the amino acids are then made into protiens
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storing seeds in plants
Glucose is turned into fat and oils for storing in seeds.E.g we get margarine from the sunflower seeds.
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storing starch in plants
Glucose is turned into starch and stored in the roots,stems and leaves. The starch is insoluble it doesnt dissolve. This makes starch better for storing than glucose.
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Distributions of organims
It is where an organism is found.
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Factors that affect where the organism is found
The temperature, how much water there is, the amount of light, how much oxygen and Co2 there is, and if theres enough nutrients around.
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Study of distributions
You can use a quadrat or a transects
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Using a quadrant to work out the distibutions
Place a 1m2 quadrat on the ground at a random point within the first sample area. Eg divide the area into a grid and use a random number table to pick coordinates .Count all the organims within the quadrat.Repeat step 1 & 2 and work out mean
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calculating the mean
total number of organims added togther /number of quadrats
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calcualting the mode
most common value in the number of quadrats
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population size
population=mean number of organisms per 1m2 quadrat * total area (in m2)
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using a transects to work out the distibutions
you can use lines called transect to help find out how organims are distibuted across an area .
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Trsnsect way
mark out the line in a area you want to study using a tape measure then collect the data along the line by counting all the organims that touch the line. using the guadrant places along the line
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Reliability of collecting enviromental data
To make results more reliabe you need to use a larger sample making it reproducible and repeatable.
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Validity of collecting enviromental data
for the results to be valid they need to bereliable and awnser the orginal question and to awnser it you need to controll all varibales. Another way to improve validty is to use a random samples.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


disolved substance can move in and out of cells by diffusion. Only small molecules can fit through E.g oxygen, glucose, and amino acids


cell membrane

Card 3


is a cell that carry out a special function E.g palisade leaf .


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


it forms tissue which form organs which then forms the organ systems


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


carrys out lot of photosynethsis. They contain lotsof chlorplast which is needed.


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