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6. Who proposed the empathising-systemising theory due to the results of a study?

  • Deady et al (1967)
  • Baron-Cohen (2002)
  • Borat (1998)
  • Bunge et al (1999)

7. Give one A01 point that explains the evolutionary approach to gender development in terms of mate choice.

  • In the EEA men and women looked for different qualities and this carried through to today.
  • Men and women look for different qualities in a mate in order to have the most successful reproduction.
  • Men and women look for different qualities in a mate purely because men and women have different qualities anyway.
  • Men and women look for the same qualities in a mate.

8. What is the David Reimer case study?

  • Chromosomal male (Bruce) suffered a botched circumcision and was raised a female (Brenda) before re-assigning himself back to male after puberty
  • David Reimer was assigned the female gender after being born chromosomally male and the case was successful, with David remaining female.
  • Chromosomal female (Brenda) was raised as a male due to ambiguous genitals.
  • David Reimer studied a psychologist, Dr Money.

9. What theory did Taylor et al (2002) propose?

  • The tend and befriend theory
  • The empathising-systemising theory
  • E=mc2
  • The Mate choice theory

10. What is the empathising-systemising theory?

  • Proposes that women are good at empathising (dealing with and expressing emotion) and men are good at systemising (constructing systems and reacting logically)
  • Suggests these attributes have nothing to do with gender.
  • Proposes that men are good at empathising (dealing with and expressing emotion) and women are good at systemising (constructing systems and reacting logically)
  • Suggests that men and women's brains both work by empathising and stymieing equally.

11. Give one A01 approach to the role of genes and hormones in gender development in males.

  • Boys can be born with an extra X chromosome that can cause them to look and feel more feminine.
  • Boys can be born with an extra Y chromosome that causes them to look and feel more feminine.
  • David Reimer example
  • The Batista Family example

12. What did Deady et al (2006) study?

  • Of 25 child free women those with high testosterone also had high oestrogen levels.
  • Of the 25 child-free women there was no difference in maternal drive.
  • Looked at 25 child-free women and those with higher testosterone had a lower maternal drive.
  • Looked at 25 child-free women and found those with higher testosterone had a higher maternal drive.