
Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulator
Demonstrates cause and effect.
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Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Somatic: processes and interacts with our external environment
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Processes and interacts with out internal environment.
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Efferent nerves
Carry motor signals from CNS to muscles.
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Afferent nerves
Carry sensory signals from external environment to CNS.
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Sympathetic Efferent Nerves
Synapse (connect) onto neurons far away from target organ.
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Parasympathetic Efferent Nerves
Synapse onto neurons close to target organ.
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Principles of S/P Nerves
S nerves energise in threatening situations, whereas P nerves act to conserve energy.
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S/P Nerves
Autonomic targets are controlled by different levels of S & P nerve activity.
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S/P Nerves
S changes cause psychological arousal, whereas P changes cause relaxation.
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How do Nerves work?
Neurons are fundamental unit of the nervous system; cells that are specialised for the reception, conduction, & transmission of electrochemical signals.
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Cell Membrane
Only allows certain molecules into the cell.
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Cell Membrane
This semipermeability is critical to normal activity of neuron with some molecules/ions being allowed into cell whereas other molecules bind to the cell & semd signals within the cell body.
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Cell Body (soma)
the metabolic centre of cell. The soma also contains nucleus of neuron, whcih contains cell's DNA.
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Processes emanating from the cell body that receive info from synaptic contacts with other neurons.
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Projects away from cell body - may be as long as a metre.
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Axon Hillock
The junction between cell body & axon - a critical structure in the conveyance of electrical signals by neuron.
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Myelin Sheath
Insulate the axon and assist in its conduction of electrical signals.
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Terminal Buttons
The branch endings of the axon that release chemicals that allow the neuron to communicate with other cells.
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Point of communication between the neuron and other cells (neurons, muscle fibres).
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Myelecephalon (medulla oblongata)
Composed of major efferent/afferent tracts that send signals between rest of brain and body.
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Involved in sleep, attention, muscle tone, cardiac function, respirations.
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Key part is network of nuclei called reticular formation.
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CNS: Myelin-providing glia
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CNS: Clusters of cell bodies
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CNS: Bundles of axons
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PNS: Myelin-providing glia
Schwann cells
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PNS: Clusters of cell bodies
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PNS: Bundles of axons
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Cerebellum (little brain) --> damage to this eliminates the ability to control movements.
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Pons (bridge) --> swelling on the brain stem that is important for postural reflexes.
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Tectum (roof) --> consists of colliculi (small hills). Superior colliculi = visual function/Inferior colliculi = auditory function.
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Tegmentum is inferior to tectum and contains red nucleus (sensorimotor function), substantia nigra (sensorimotor function), periaqueductal gray (pain relief function).
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Superior Dorsal
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Inferior Ventral
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Thalamus located at top of brain stem --> comprised of different nuclei, most project to cortex.
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Some thalamic nuclei are sensory relay nuclei --> cells that receive signals from sensory receptors and transmit them to sensory cortex
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Diencephalon: Hypothalamus
located below Thalamus.
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pituarity gland (snot gland) is suspended from hypothalamus. They play key roles in endocrine (hormone release) function.
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Known as cerebral hemispheres
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Initiates voluntary movement, interprets our sensory world, mediates all complex psychological processes we have such as language, thought, emotions.
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Characterised by layer of tissue called cortex (bark) which has many convolutions referred to as gyri (peaks), fissures (deep valleys) and sulci (small valleys) --> increase surface area.
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Large tracts called commissures connect 2 hemispheres - corpus callosum is largest.
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4 lobes of cerebral hemispheres defined by fissures of cerebral cortex.
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Frontal lobe
Reasoning/movement --> superior to lateral fissure and anterior to central fissure.
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Temporal lobe
hearing/memory --> inferior to lateral fissure.
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Parietal lobe
Sensory/motor/attention --> posterior to central fissure.
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Occipital lobe
Vision --> posterior to temportal lobe/parietal lobe.
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Exteroceptive Senses
ES organs detect changes in external environment and send info t the brain.
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Five Senses
Vision, Audition, Somatosensation, Gustation, Olfaction
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Traditional Hierarchal sensory System Model
Input flows from sensory receptors to thalamus, then to primary sensory cortex, secondary cortex, and finally association cortex.
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Sensory Receptors
Are cells that respond to particular stimuli in the environment and initiate sensory transduction
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Sensory Receptors: 5 Major Groups
Chemoreceptors (pH, organic molecules), Mechanoreceptors (vibration, sound, acceleration), Photoreceptors (light), Thermoreceptors (temperature), Nocireceptors (skin).
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Primary Sensory Cortex
Receives direct input from thalamic sensory relay nuclei.
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Seconday Sensory Cortex
Recieves input primarily from primary cortex.
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Association Cortex
Receives integrates sensory info sometimes from multiple sources.
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Traditional Hierarchical Sensory System Model
Major feature is serial with hierarchal organisation
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Sensory info flows through brain structures in order of increasing neuroanatomical complexity.
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Sensation less complex than perception.
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Perceptual Illusions
Give clues about perceptual processes going on in brain (e.g. motion bounce illusion).
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Neuropsychological Deficits
E.g. category-specific agnosia.
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Current Model of Sensory System Organisation: Parallel
Sensory systems are organised so info flows between different structures simultaneously along multiple pathways.
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Current Model of ** Organisation: Functionally Segregated
** are organised so different parts of various structures specialise in different types of analysis.
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Current Model of ** Organisation: Hierarchical
Info flows through brain structutres in order of their increasing neuroanatomical functional complexity.
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Impaired visual perception: Scotomas
Areas of blindness in corresponding areas of visual field --> (Humphrey, 2006, - some brain damages patients still respond to stimuli, like being able to say direction of object).
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Parallel models rather than serial needed to explain perceptual phenonmen.
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Organisation of Secondary Visual Cortex & Association Cortices: Ventral Stream
Info flows from primary visual cortex through ventral secondary cortex to association cortex in inferior temporal region.
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Dorsal System
Believed to be involved in perception of where object is
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Ventral System
Believed to be involved in recognition of object.
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Evidence: Ganel et al (2008)
Where deficit --> posterior parietal damage have difficulty reaching accurately/What deficit --> damge to inferior temporal cortex have difficulty describing objects.
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Sound waves travel down auditory canal and cause tympanic membrane to vibrate.
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Vibration is transmitted to ossicles & onto membrance called oval window which transfers it into fluid of cochlea,
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Auditory Cortex
Each cochlea has input to each cortex.
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Primary Auditory Cortex
First area within temporal lobes of brain responsible for processing acoustic info.
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Auditory Cortex
Tonotopically organised --> different areas respond to specific frequencies.
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Auditory Cortex Damage
Lesions dont cause deafness (Cavanito et al, 2012). Humans with extensive damage often have difficulty localising stimuli/recognising complex sequences of sounds.
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Somoatosensation: 3 separate/interacting systems
Exteroceptive (external stimuli), Proprioceptive (Body position), Interoceptive (Body conditions).
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Touch (mechanical stimuli), Temperature (thermal stimuli), Pain (nociceptive stimuli) --> Specialised recpetors respond to various types of stimuli, no change = no sensation.
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Thalamic nuclei receiving somatosensory info project to...
Primary somatosensory cortex (SI) & Secondary somatosensory cortex in posterior parietal cortex (SII)
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Primary somatosensory cortex
Organised somatotopically. Known as homunculus.
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Are of cortex allocated to each part of body in proportion to how sensitive it is.
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Somatosensory Agnosias
Produced by large lesions to parietal cortex.
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Loss of ability to recognise objects by touch in absence of defects in somatosensation (Gertsmann, 2001).
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Loss of ability to recognise parts of own body (Dieguez et al, 2007).
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Loss of ability to recognise parts on own body or other people's bodies (Goldenberg, 2000)
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Perception-action coupling
An influential theory in biopsy, suggesting that perception & action are functionally entwined; perception is means to action, & action a means to perception (Sperry, 1952).
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Association Cortex
The boss and issues general commands
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Motor areas
Generate motor commands and muscles (contraction, relaxation) carry out orders.
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Advantage of hierarchical
Higher levels are left free to focus on complex functions while lower levels focus on details.
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Sensorimotor System
Carefully monitors external world and consequences of own actions.
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What if we lost feedback?
Ian Waterman had sensory deafferentation and every action had to be planned.
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New born
Lift heads a little, watch objects for short period of time, move away from uncomfortable sensations.
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Prop themselves up whilst laying on stomachs, recognise bottle, smile, control hands/feet, track moving objects.
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Sit alone, say simple words, crawl, respond to familiar faces/names.
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Walk with support, feed themselves, speak, drink from cup, learn new words
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Walk without support, run, climb, role-play, draw, understand instructions.
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Act like a mini adult.
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Posterior Parietal Association Cortex
Plays important role in function of position and location by integrating these two kinds of info
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Recieves input from visual, auditory, somatosensory systems
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Damage to PPAC
Present movement deficits known as apraxia/contralateral neglect.
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Inability to perfrom movements requested.
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Contralateral Neglect
Fail to respond to visual/auditoty/touch stimuli from opposite half of body to where brain lesion occurs.
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Secondary Motor Cortex
Premotor cortex, Supplementary motor area & Cingulate motor areas --> all send info to primary motor cortex, receive input from PMC and have axons that connect to motor circuits of brainstem.
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Role of Secondary Motor Cortex
All activated both before/during voluntary movements, involved in planning/initation of movements.
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Primary Motor Cortex
Precentral gyrus of frontal lobe (somatotopically organised.
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Motor homunculus has disproportionate representation of hands/mouth; 2 areas that are capable of intricate movements.
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Role of PMC
Feedback from muscles/receptors allows sensorimotor system to intricately control movement/react to changes in external environment.
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10% of brain mass but contains over half the brain's neurons, its organised systematically in lobes. Receives input from PMC/SMC/Brainstem motor nuclei/Somatosensory Systems.
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Corrects any deviations from intended movement.
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Cerebellum Damage
Loss of ability to precisely control movement, maintain steady posture, exhibit good locomotion, balance, speak clearly, control eye movement.
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Basal Ganglia
Part of a loop that receives info from various parts of cortex & transmits it back to motor cortices via thalamus.
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Basal Ganglia
Involved in sequencing of movements. Compromised in those who have Parkinson's Disease/Huntington's Disease.
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Mirror Neurons - Rizzolatti et al (1996)
Found when monkeys observes actions of others, same area of brain was activated as when they made actions themselves.
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Respond only to purposeful actions.
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Mirror neurons may be co-copted by other regions of brain to support empathy (Carr et al, 2003).
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Empathy: Locoboni et al (2009) - Observation vs Imitation
Found increased mirro neuron activity in premotor cortex, limbic brain areas such as amygdala/insula.
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Locoboni: Evidence
Suggested that there is a second step after action is understood where info is relayed to emotional areas.
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Recognising Faces: Haxby et al (2000)
Division into core system (face specialised) & extended system (face-related, but more general functions)
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Occipital Face Area (OFA)
Located in inferior occipital gyrus and activated when you see a face.
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OFA: Rotshtein et al (2005)
Found the OFA was activated for pics of faces were physically similar but not when category of face changed.
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Fusiform Face Area (FFA)
Responds to upright faces more than other kinds of visual stimuli (Kanwisher et al, 1997).
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fMRI shows FFA responds when same face is repeated even if different images of face are used (Kanwisher & Yovel, 2006).
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Supports the idea that FFA is region of brain that allows us to identidy a specific person.
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Superior Temporal Sulcus (STS)
According to Haxby, STS responds to changeable aspects of face in contrast to FFA which responds to stable of face.
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STS Support
Judging gaze direction activated STS not FFA, but judgeing face identity activates FFA not STS (Hoffman & Haxby, 2000)
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Recognising Expressions
Impairments in recognising expressions are not linked to STS (predicted by Haxby) but are found in lesions to Haxby's extended system.
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Haxby's Extended System
Selective lesions to amygdala (fear) and insula (disgust), Leasions to orbitofrontal cortex (linked to emotional experience), Evidence that sensorimotor regions of brain involved in simulation are important for recognising expressions.
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Simulation in recognising expressions evidence
Electromygraphic measurement in facial muscles showed changes when watching expressions of other people (Dimberg et al, 2000)/Lesions of somatosensory & Broca's area impair recognition (Adolphs et al, 2000)
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Familiar faces
Produce emotional response (Tranel et al, 1985) but in Capgras patients can identify someone without feeling emotional reaction --> separate (dissociable) mechanisms.
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Haxby Model Weakness :(
Doesn't account for role of simulation in expression recognition.
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Haxby Model Weakness :(
Status of STS is uncertain in expression recognition (but important for gaze).
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Haxby Model Weakness :(
Emotion & identity not completely separate.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Somatic: processes and interacts with our external environment


Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Card 3


Processes and interacts with out internal environment.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Carry motor signals from CNS to muscles.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Carry sensory signals from external environment to CNS.


Preview of the back of card 5
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