Biological psychology brain lobes and structures


1. what is/ does the spinal cord do?

  • tube like extension, connected via brainstem, responsible for reflex actions and passes messages to and from the brain linking to PNS
  • keeps your back intact and that you don't turn into jelly
  • makes sure you don't become paralysed
  • helps you walk
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2. frontal lobe

  • contains the somatosensory cortex which processes. sensory information from the skin (eg touch, temp, sight) in a contralateral manner, . the area of the somatosensory cortex devoted to a particular body parts reflect that parts sensitivity to touch.
  • makes up 40% of cerebral cortex , control high level functioning e.g. thinking, planning, problem solving, contains motor cortex which controls voluntary movements on opposite side of brain contralateral
  • contain primary visual cortex, everything we see to the right side of our vision is initially processed by left visual cortex before being shared with the right visual cortex
  • contains auditory cortex which deals with sound info coming from opposite ear. They process the sound, location and volume- understand - understand language

3. what are neurons

  • Carry messages from CNS along neurons in the PNS to effectors in the body SHLA
  • connect sensory and motor neurons, connect other relay neutron SDSA
  • are cells that receive and transmit messages from cell to cell and are the basic unit of the nervous system. they allow communication by submitting messages both electrically and chemically
  • they carry messages from sensory receptors along nerves in the PNS to the CNS. LDSA

4. what are the 4 lobes

  • occitupal, frontal, left ,right
  • parietal, occitupal, temporal and frontal
  • peripheral, occitupal, temporal, frontal
  • peripheral, backtal, temporal, frontal

5. what is the function of the corpus callosum?

  • 'little brain' size of tip of finger , has 2 hemispheres like 'big brain'. its role is to coordinate posture, balance, and movement . does this by integrating info from spinal cord and cortical ares like motor cortex. 50% neutrons only being 10% off brains weight
  • . It allows communication between the 2 hemispheres by passing signals back and forth , critical because of how the brain works contralateral as it integrates the activities of both sides of the body
  • the brains relay station. it receives information from the sensory receptors and passes it to the appropriate areas of the cerebral cortex, acts as a gate/filter for info, and plays a role in sleep, wakefulness and OCD
  • it consists of several structures e.g. amygdala, which plays role in regulating emotion reposes e.g. aggression, it also has role in memory and learning, it is interconnected with areas of the cortex integrating cortical and subcortical parts of the brain


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