Bio Sampling techniques lesson 16.6.20

  • Created by: Tiger_13
  • Created on: 16-06-20 09:41

1. How do you use a quadrat?

  • 1. Place 2 tape measures to make an x and y axis 2. Use a scientific calculator to get a random number to make your co-ordinates 3. Go to the 1st specific co-ordinate and place your quadrant 4. Record your abiotic and biotic data 5. Calculate means
  • 1. Place 6 tape measures to make an x and y axis' 2. Use a scientific calculator to get a random number to make your co-ordinates 3. Go to the 1st random co-ordinate and place your quadrant 4. Record your abiotic and biotic data 5.Calculate means
  • 1. Place 2 tape measures to make an x and y axis 2. Use a scientific calculator to get a random number to make your co-ordinates 3. Go to the 1st random co-ordinate and place your quadrant 4. Record your abiotic and biotic data
  • 1. Place 2 tape measures to make an x and y axis 2. Use a scientific calculator to get a random number to make your co-ordinates 3. Go to the 5th random co-ordinate and place your quadrant 4. Record your abiotic and biotic data 5. Calculate means
1 of 6

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2. What is a quadrat?

  • They are square frames that are placed randomly in the habitat and you can then count the number if species in that quadrat.
  • They are 4 square frames that are placed randomly in the habitat and you can then count the number if species in that quadrat.
  • They are square frames that are placed in a specific co-ordinate in the habitat and you can then count the number if species in that quadrat.
  • They are lines of celotape that are placed randomly in the habitat and you can then count the number if species in that quadrat.

3. Why/When would you use a transect quadrat method, rather than the random method?

  • If you wanted to Know how many abiotic and biotic relationships there were in a random area you would use te transect quadrat.
  • If you wanted to know how many abiotic and biotic relationships there were in a specific area you would use the quadrat.
  • If you wanted to Know how many abiotic and biotic relationships there were in a specific area you would use the transect or quadrat.
  • If you wanted to Know how many abiotic and biotic relationships there were in a specific area you would use the transect.

4. How do you use a transect (method)?

  • Run a tape measure across your area Place your quadrant at regular intervals Record your abiotic and biotic data Calculate means
  • Run a tape measure across your area Place your quadrant at regular intervals Record your abiotic and biotic data
  • Run a tape measure across your area Place your quadrant at random intervals Record your abiotic and biotic data Calculate means
  • Run a tape measure across your qudrat Place your quadrant at regular intervals Record your abiotic and biotic data Calculate means

5. What 2 things do you need to make sure you get valid results

  • Get biotic data and calculate the mean
  • Get the data and calculate the mean
  • Measure the quadrant and calculate the area
  • Get the abiotic and biotic data


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