

1. Observer Effects/ Hawthorne effect

  • where the researcher may have influenced the participant
  • if the person knows theyre being studied they might change their behaviour
  • where the researcher interprets the data or manipulates the analysis to fit their expectation
  • If the participant feels like the answer is not socially acceptable they may lie
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2. Demand Characteristics

  • if the person knows theyre being studied they might change their behaviour
  • If the person is interested in psychology they might guess the aim of the study and therefore change their behaviour
  • If the person feels their answer is not socially acceptable, they may lie
  • where the researcher may have influenced the participant

3. Screw you effect

  • f the person knows theyre being studied they might change their behaviour
  • Knowing the aim could result in participants giving the answer/demonstrating a behaviour which was not predicted
  • If the person feels their answer is not socially acceptable, they may lie

4. Researcher/ Interviewer effects

  • where the researcher interprets the data or manipulates the analysis to fit their expectation
  • Where the researcher may have been influenced the participant
  • If the participant feels like the answer is not socially acceptable they may lie
  • if the person knows theyre being studied they might change their behavior

5. Researcher/ Observer Bias

  • where the researcher interprets the data or manipulates the analysis to fit their expectation
  • where the researcher may have influenced the participant
  • if the person knows theyre being studied they might change their behavior
  • If the participant feels like the answer is not socially acceptable they may lie


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