Other questions in this quiz

2. Where and who met to decide the fate of Germany after WW2 ended?

  • At the Geneva Conference in October 1945 - Clemanceu, Stalin and Roosevelt
  • At the Versailles Palace in October 1945 - Clemanceu, Stalin and Roosevelt
  • At the Yalta Conference in February 1945 - Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
  • At the Prague Conference in February 1945 - Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin

3. Who became American President in 1961?

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Jimmy Carter
  • John F Kennedy
  • Woodrow Wilson

4. What happened in 1960?

  • The USSR shot down an American spy plane called U2 and captured its pilot
  • Americans were first into space
  • The first H bomb was successfully produced

5. What was the Iron Curtain?

  • A figurative statement used to describe Britain's wish to stay neutrality throughout the Cold War
  • A phrase coined by Winston Churchill to describe the separation of East and West Europe succeeding WW2.
  • The literal iron curtain separating Germany from France


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