Other questions in this quiz

2. how can evolution be proved

  • dna, fossils
  • fish
  • humans, creatures
  • emotions and feelings

3. what does conversion mean?

  • when someone wants to change there religion or life because they saw god.
  • feeliing of something more than you.
  • when something impossible happens.
  • when you see angels

4. what is an atheist?

  • someone who isnt sure if they believe in god
  • someone who is talented
  • someone who doesnt believe in god at all
  • someone who believes in god

5. what is the red shift effect ?

  • when you see the universe moving around you and there is red
  • seethrough a telescope and see red then the universe is expanding
  • when you see a red star
  • a big explosion you can see through a telescope


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