beliefs about deity

what do christians believe God is made up of?
three parts and is called the trinity, the father, son and holy spirit
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when people talk about God what do they tend to use?
pictures, symbols or symbolic language
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the writer of the bible calls God what?
shepherd, warrior, king, judge
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what does immanent mean?
god is within us all
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what does transcendent mean?
god is above us all
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christians believe god is?
transcendent, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent
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what does analogy mean?
using a word symbolically to suggest something else
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what does monotheists mean?
people who believe in one god like christians, jews, muslims
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what does myth mean?
a story which is not factually true but has some spiritual truth
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what does symbol mean?
a way of explaining the unexplainable and using something to represent something else
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what does omnibenevolent mean?
all good or all loving
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what does omnipotent mean?
all powerful
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what does omnipresent mean?
all present
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what does omniscient mean?
all knowing
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what are some beliefs about the nature of God?
God will judge everyone and he created the universe for a reason
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what are some reasons given in suport of beliefs?
experience, moral argument, cosmological, teleological, ontological
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what is the ontological argument?
where we cannot think of anything greater than God and therefore god exists
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what is the cosmological argument?
the universe must have come from somewhere, christians believe it came from God. God is the 'first cause'
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what is the teleological argument?
the world shows it has been designed and so must have been created by someone and that someone is God
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what are the arguments from experience?
people can experience God which proves he exists, for example through miracles, conversion or answered prayers
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what is the moral argument?
people have basic understanding of 'good' and 'bad', 'right' and 'wrong' and therefore must have come from God
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other views about beliefs in God?
if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him, he can't be all good and all knowing because evil exists.
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what is an atheist and agnostic?
atheist is someone who does not believe in God and agnostic is someone who believes it is impossible to know whether or not God exists
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what is a miracle?
a marvellous event which cannot have been brought about by humans or by natural means
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facts about miracles?
something out of the ordinary, intended by God as a sign of his love/power, something that usually shows control over the laws of nature
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miracles include?
things that God does and nature cannot do, things that both nature and God can do but God doesnt use the force of nature
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what miracles did jesus perform?
healing the sick, calming the storm(nature), exorcisms, raising people from the dead
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types of private worship?
some people pray, meditate, belong to house groups, read the bible
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


when people talk about God what do they tend to use?


pictures, symbols or symbolic language

Card 3


the writer of the bible calls God what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does immanent mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does transcendent mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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