Beliefs and Ideas

  • Created by: QUIETONE
  • Created on: 07-03-16 12:46

1. Which definition does NOT accurately describe an aspect of functional definitions of religion?

  • An assumption is that religion is harmful to individuals and society
  • these focus on the functions of religion
  • afsdgdfh
  • logic that is that as religion is a product of society, it must be evaluated for the contribution to society.
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2. which of the following statements LEAST accurately describes aspects of polythethic and monotheistic religion?

  • all the major religions are monotheistic in nature
  • they both share a belief in the sacred, an element of faith in the supernatural rather than the evidence
  • With polytheistic religions, there are many different gods

3. Which of the following, LEAST accurately describes aspects of totems and animism?

  • Toteism is a belief that the sun and the moon and other celestial bodies are supernatural in nature
  • Both are associated with tribal societies and are known as primal-indigenous
  • Animism involves a belief in the agency of spirits

4. What is the least accurate definition that describes an aspect of substansive definitions of religion?

  • Taylor in 1903 is an example of a sociologist who advocated this definition.
  • Substantive definitions excludes phenomena such as New Age Movements, Pagan beliefs and Voodoo magic.
  • Durkhiem was critical of these definitions as they were too vague and ill defined.
  • Definitions, focus on the exsistance of belief in spiritual beings

5. Which statement about secularization is LEAST accurate?

  • In the future this would be private matter rather than public.
  • Classical sociologists (e.g. Marx and Weber) disagreed on the extent to which science would usurp religion.
  • secularization holds that as science is better able to origins the world; there would be a loss of faith in religion.


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