B Vitamins

A quiz on B1, B2, B3, B9 and B12

  • Created by: Fleur
  • Created on: 06-05-12 11:22
What is the other name for the vitamin B1?
1 of 15
What are some sources of B1?
Fortified bread and cereals, potatoes, milk, meat, brazil nuts and peanuts
2 of 15
What happens when there is an over consumption of any B vitamin?
It dissolves in water, excess passed in urine, but it can still put strain on organs
3 of 15
What is another name for Vitamin B2?
4 of 15
What is another name for B3?
5 of 15
What are the effects of deficiency in B2?
Slow growth in children, sores on lips, cracked lips, irritation of eyes and tongue.
6 of 15
What are some sources of B2?
Milk, cheese, meat, breakfast cereal, eggs, almonds, spinach and broccoli
7 of 15
What is another name for B9?
Folate (Folic Acid)
8 of 15
What is a function of vitamin B9?
Aids production of red blood cells with vitamin B12.
9 of 15
B9 is essential in the first three months of pregnancy, why?
Prevents neural tube defects such as spina bifida, cleft palate or cleft lip
10 of 15
What is another name for B12?
11 of 15
What are good sources of vitamin B12
Meat, offal, milk, fortified breakfast cereal, fish, cheese, eggs, yeast extract, dried fruit, peas, broccoli
12 of 15
Tiredness, breathing difficulties, dizziness and abnormalities in nerve tissue function are all effects of deficiency in which B vitamin?
13 of 15
What does Pernicious mean?
Deadly or injurious
14 of 15
What are the effects of B3 deficiency?
Pellagra; dermatitis (dry flaky skin), diarrhoea and dementia
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are some sources of B1?


Fortified bread and cereals, potatoes, milk, meat, brazil nuts and peanuts

Card 3


What happens when there is an over consumption of any B vitamin?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is another name for Vitamin B2?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is another name for B3?


Preview of the front of card 5
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